Transform the management of your educational institution with Eval’s electronic signature technology! Save time, money, and save the environment with the elimination of paper documents.
With over 11 years of experience, we offer customized solutions that increase security, agility and efficiency for the education sector. Get Eval’s electronic signature solutions and take a step forward in the management of your school, university, or training center.
Eval offers electronic signature solutions that enable cost reduction, process optimization, among other benefits that can greatly improve the daily life of educational institutions.
With Eval, universities, schools, and training centers can offer a more modern and efficient service to their students, teachers, and employees. Our solutions offer legal validity, agility, and contract management.
You can also count on data protection solutions that will significantly increase the security of your institution’s data.
Transforme sua universidade com as soluções de assinatura eletrônica da Eval!
Com uso de tecnologia de ponta, aumente a segurança dos dados sensíveis, além de agilizar processos de assinatura de contratos com estudantes, colaboradores e fornecedores.
Não perca tempo com processos burocráticos antigos, escolha a Eval para a garantia da confidencialidade, integridade e não repudiação dos seus dados, além do cumprimento de todas as exigências legais.
Adote agora o diploma digital exclusivo da Eval e dê um passo a frente na transformação digital da sua universidade!
Transforme a gestão da sua escola com a solução de assinatura eletrônica da Eval!
Não perca mais tempo com a burocracia do dia a dia e tenha mais segurança e acessibilidade a todos os documentos importantes, como matrículas, contratos e comprovantes.
Economize dinheiro com a eliminação da impressão e armazenamento de papel e melhore a produtividade da sua escola agora mesmo.
Conte com a Eval para revolucionar a gestão da sua instituição de ensino.
The digital age has brought new challenges for universities when it comes to digital transformation and protecting sensitive data. At the same time, there are new opportunities to use state-of-the-art technologies to increase security and agility. Our e-signature solutions can expedite the signing of contacts with students, employees, and suppliers, and we also have a unique solution for a digital diploma.
It is part of the day-to-day life of schools, which, with many students, have a large generation of bureaucratic procedures, such as printing and signing enrollment vouchers, confirming enrollment, and many others. In this way it is safer and accident-free, and can be accessed by the school easily at any time. It is much easier for the institution, for example, to find a specific document that is saved digitally than it is to find it amid piles of paper. Schools can use the electronic signature for various documents, such as enrollment and re-enrollment, contracts with employees, contracts with suppliers, and much more.
Digital signature solution for digital diplomas
Supplier of certificates for paper disposal.
Gateway for electronic signature APIs.
Cloud solution for key management.
Cryptographic key storage solution.
LGPD data protection and compliance solution.
Implementation, Support, and Consulting services for Cryptography solutions.