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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Why is ChatGPT a concern?

Technology is evolving by leaps and bounds and the application of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare is proving to be a transformative and increasingly relevant trend, such as the potential use of ChatGPT in healthcare .

In recent years, we have seen the birth and development of innovative technologies that are continually changing the way we approach data protection and privacy in healthcare. Among these innovations, ChatGPT, an advanced generative AI developed by OpenAI, has stood out.

ChatGPT, a powerful language model, not only understands and generates text, but can also be trained to perform complex and specialized tasks, including in the medical environment.

The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Revolutionizes Patient Care

With the potential to transform access to information, decision-making based on data and interaction with patients, the use of ChatGPT in healthcare, along with other AI technologies, is becoming more evident and necessary.

However, while we explore the infinite possibilities that this new technological era brings, we must also be aware of the inherent challenges, especially when it comes to data privacy and security in healthcare.

Thus, discussing the role and responsible implementation of AI in medical institutions becomes crucial.

Let’s dive deeper into this issue, exploring how ChatGPT can influence the medical field, the importance of data protection and privacy in Healthcare, and how we can ensure the safe and effective use of technology for the benefit of patients.

The use of ChatGPT in healthcare

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, using ChatGPT has the potential to bring numerous benefits to medical professionals.the medical sector and also to other departments in a hospital:

For health professionals:

  • Decision support:
    The use of ChatGPT in healthcare can assist in the analysis of medical records, identifying patterns that may not be evident to humans, helping to speed up diagnoses and optimize treatments.

  • Scientific updates:
    AI in medical institutions could be used to create summaries of various studies, helping professionals to keep up to date with the latest scientific findings.

  • Operational efficiency:
    ChatGPT can improve the efficiency of hospital operations by assisting with tasks such as appointment scheduling, medication reminders and post-consultation follow-up.

Throughout 2023, following a procedure to validate its evolution, various tests were carried out, as if ChatGPT were being subjected to official exams, including in the medical field, in which in February it passed the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE). passed the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) in February..

another more recent study in the field of radiology
ChatGPT was successful in 80% of the questions asked.

In practice, the use of ChatGPT in healthcare can occur in various other departments, including HR, Marketing, Legal, IT, among others, with the aim of assisting professionals and helping to improve productivity.

Although ChatGPT and AI in general have a lot to offer, it is crucial that they are implemented carefully and responsibly, given the sensitivity of patient information and the need to guarantee data privacy and security in healthcare.

Segurity and Privacy de DPrivacy in SealthA Priority

As you know, information related to the health sector is extremely sensitive. They contain personal and intimate data about a patient which, if they fall into the wrong hands, could be used in a harmful way.

The violation of data privacy in healthcare can result in a series of negative consequences, from discrimination due to medical conditions to identity theft and fraud. That’s why the use of Artificial Intelligence in health needs to be careful.

In a scenario where Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, is used to analyze and process medical and operational information, concerns about the privacy and security of medical data are even more important.

AI in Healthcare Institutions é Animated by Dados and therefore the Preoccupation with Information Minformation

The more data Artificial Intelligence has at its disposal, the more effective it becomes. However, this collection of information needs to be balanced with individuals’ right to privacy.

In addition, Generative AIs are complex systems that, although designed to work in a specific way, can make mistakes or be manipulated to act in unforeseen ways. This creates an additional risk for data privacy, as a poorly designed or compromised system could expose sensitive information.

In this context, the use of AI also raises ethical questions.

Who is responsible if an Artificial Intelligence algorithm leaks patient data? How do we ensure that the information collected through the use of ChatGPT in healthcare is not used for criminal purposes?

These are issues that healthcare institutions need to consider when implementing AI technologies.

For all these reasons, it is essential that healthcare institutions are prepared and have robust policies and practices in place to protect the privacy and security of medical data when using Artificial Intelligence.

How Can ChatGPT Be Used Safely in Healthcare?

Although the use of Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in health presents challenges in terms of data security and privacy, there are a number of measures that medical institutions institutions can adopt to ensure the safe and effective use of this technology.

1. implementation of robust privacy policies

Healthcare institutions must have well-defined privacy policies that are regularly updated to adapt to new technologies and regulations. Such policies should address not only data storage, but also the collection, use and sharing of medical and identification information.

2. Data anonymization

An effective way of protecting patient privacy is through data anonymization.

By removing or modifying information that could identify the individual, AI in healthcare institutions can use the data to feed the model without compromising the patient’s privacy.

3. Cyber security

Cyber threats are a constant concern, so it is crucial to ensure that AI systems are protected against possible attacks.

This includes implementing firewalls, using encryption to protect data in transit and at rest, and carrying out regular security audits.

4. Access controls

Only authorized individuals should have access to health data. Implementing strict controls and using two-factor authentication can help limit access to sensitive information.

5. Education and training

Both professionals and patients must be educated about the importance of data privacy in healthcare and how AI is being used.

This not only improves transparency, but also allows users to make informed decisions about their own data.

6. Auditing and accountability

There must be mechanisms to track and audit the use of ChatGPT in healthcare. In the event of an error or problem, it is necessary to quickly identify what happened and who is responsible.

7. Adherence to laws and regulations

In many countries, there are specific laws and regulations governing the use of data, such as the General Data Protection Act (LGPD).

Healthcare institutions must ensure that they are fully compliant with these requirements.

With these practices, healthcare institutions can implement and use ChatGPT and other AI systems effectively and safely, reaping the benefits of this technology while protecting the privacy and security of healthcare data.

The Future of Healthcare in the Age of AI: Protecting Data and Empowering Care with ChatGPT

The transition to using Artificial Intelligence in healthcare is not just a question of adopting new technology, but also of adapting to a new healthcare culture that puts patient safety, transparency and privacy at the heart of its operations.

As we move into the future, it is crucial that healthcare institutions embrace AI, such as ChatGPT, not just as a tool for change.

This also represents an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to patient care. After all, the aim is to provide a more efficient, personalized and, above all, safe service.

By balancing the potential benefits of Generative AI with respect for and protection of patient privacy and safety, healthcare institutions can ensure that they are exploiting the potential of this technological revolution to the full. They must always do this while prioritizing the patient’s well-being.

And in this balance lies the future of health in the age of AI.

Eval – Transforming the Future with Artificial Intelligence

With over 18 years of innovation leadership, Eval is shaping the future of technology. Our strategic investment in Artificial Intelligence positions us at the forefront of the technological revolution, enabling us to provide state-of-the-art information security solutions.

Our mission is to ensure the prosperity and protection of our clients’ businesses in the digital age. Join us on this exciting journey and discover how Eval is redefining what is possible with AI.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Artificial Intelligence

Can Artificial Intelligence be Used in Cyberattacks?

The possibility of Artificial Intelligence being used in cyber-attacks is already a reality and threatens companies’ cybersecurity.

AI, which used to be seen only as a promising tool for technological advances, is now also recognized as a potential threat to cyber security.

In practice, at the epicenter of contemporary concerns, AI plays a dual role. On the one hand, it is being incorporated into a variety of security products and services, with the aim of preventing cyberattacks and strengthening our digital defenses.

On the other hand, the same technology that is being used to protect can also be exploited to introduce new threats, making cyberspace a constantly evolving battlefield.

In this context, it is crucial that we understand how AI is shaping the cybersecurity landscape, both as a protective shield and as a potentially dangerous sword in the hands of cybercriminals.

Is Artificial Intelligence used in cyberattacks part of your evolution?

Before we talk about Artificial Intelligence being used in cyber-attacks, it’s worth highlighting the accelerated expansion of the technology.

Applied in various sectors, AI is an integral part of the ongoing digital transformation and new products and services that emerge every year.

In fact, industry is evolving its production processes based on automation integrated with Artificial Intelligence, generating better quality products and considerably reducing production costs.

AI technology also has a significant application in the digital market. We have chatbots, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, improving customer service and support, and virtual assistants associated with the Internet of Things, promising a major revolution in the coming years.

However, as the capacity of AI increases and becomes more powerful, it is possible to foresee an expansion of virtual threats and attacks.

As cybercriminals acquire technical knowledge, they create vulnerabilities using Artificial Intelligence, introducing new threats.

This leads us to a certainty about the efficiency of cyber attacks.

Both hero and villain: Artificial Intelligence used in Cyberattacks

At the renowned
Black Hat
conference, cybersecurity company
unveiled the first AI-based “cognitive” antivirus system, called DeepArmor.

aims to protect networks from cyberattacks by combining AI techniques such as neural networks, heuristics, data science and natural language processing with antivirus to locate and remove malicious files.

However, what happens when cyberattacks are designed on the basis of Artificial Intelligence?

AI’s ability to adapt to different circumstances is demonstrated in current examples, using techniques and tools such as machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing.

AI can be used to protect us, but it also makes us think about various cybersecurity threats. There is nothing to stop criminals from using AI for malicious purposes, and this is already happening.

According to Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is expected to cause around US$8 trillion in damage by 2023, making cybercrime one of the biggest threats to global security.

Evidence of cyberattacks highlights the need to be prepared

There is a silent war going on and it revolves around cybersecurity.

Cyber attacks on strategic government sectors such as power stations, air traffic control and transportation systems are nothing new. Therefore, companies should already be preparing.

The vulnerability of strategic sectors shows the need to increasingly protect and monitor control systems connected to the Internet.

This concern also applies to companies in strategic sectors, as it increases the risk of cybersecurity for what is considered critical infrastructure.

It is important that companies actively monitor and protect their data networks and management and production solutions. In addition, an important aspect of this concern is having complete visibility of IT assets and their security risks.

Artificial Intelligence used in cyber-attacks: are we lost?

The rise of generative AI models has dramatically altered the threat landscape.

The popularity of ChatGPT, for example, has been exploited by malicious actors to create a hacker tool, facilitating malicious activities using deceptive chatbot services.

One such tool is “FraudGPT”, a bot designed specifically for offensive activities, available on Dark Web marketplaces and Telegram.

FraudGPT, like WormGPT, uses a chat box to produce phishing messages via SMS, effectively imitating banks.

In addition, to facilitate credit card theft, the bot can provide information on the best sites for fraud and provide Visa bank IDs that are not verified.

By exploiting this new tool, a skilled malicious actor can easily create attractive emails to lure recipients into clicking on malicious links, which is crucial for BEC phishing campaigns.

FraudGPT is available on a subscription basis, with prices ranging from $200 per month to $1,700 per year, offering hackers an AI-driven resource to facilitate their malicious objectives.

On July 13, 2023, a new technology called WormGPT was introduced, similar to FraudGPT. Unfortunately, it is being used by both criminals and those with limited technical knowledge to exploit others for financial gain.

Over time, criminals have learned to circumvent the safeguards established by experts, making it easier for them to carry out their harmful activities.

However, to mitigate threats like this, a robust defense-in-depth strategy, along with comprehensive security telemetry, is essential.

AI will also protect us from cyberattacks

Although we have a worrying scenario with the potential use of Artificial Intelligence in cyber-attacks, it is worth remembering that it will also be used to our advantage.

The risk is there, but experience also shows us that we need to do our bit. As you’ve already seen, AI has the potential to protect us, as well as bringing numerous benefits in various areas.

The strategy to be used is a continuous cybersecurity approach. After all, there will always be risks and organizations need to be able to deal with them, reducing this risk to a manageable level at all times.

In addition, we mustn’t forget the importance of cybersecurity professionals in all this evolution, the tools, policies and processes applied to data security and the prevention of attacks.

In fact, there is a lot to be done and, as with other threats, we must constantly seek to guarantee information security, data protection and privacy for companies and their users.

Eval – Transforming the Future with Artificial Intelligence

With over 18 years of innovation leadership, Eval is shaping the future of technology. Our strategic investment in Artificial Intelligence positions us at the forefront of the technological revolution, enabling us to provide state-of-the-art information security solutions.

Our mission is to ensure the prosperity and protection of our clients’ businesses in the digital age. Join us on this exciting journey and discover how Eval is redefining what is possible with AI.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Digital Certificates

Expired SSL Digital Certificate and the Threat of Malware

Trust is the backbone of digital transactions. Every time we access websites, send emails and make online purchases, we rely on a complex network of security certificates and protocols to ensure that our information is safe. However, this trust can easily be broken with an expired SSL Digital Certificate.

Imagine a scenario in which the certificates that validate the authenticity and security of a website, such as the SSL certificate, expire. Instead of simply being renewed, they become entry points for malware.

This is the worrying reality we face with the combination of expired SSL Certificates and malicious software.

The Hidden Risk of an Expired Digital SSL Certificate

When it comes to web security, the SSL Digital Certificate is one of the first lines of defense. It not only validates the identity of a site, but also ensures that the information transmitted between the user and the site is encrypted and therefore secure.

An expired SSL Digital Certificate is like a broken shield. It can no longer guarantee the authenticity of the site, making users vulnerable to attacks.

Cybercriminals are aware of this vulnerability and exploit it using malware. When faced with an expired SSL Certificate, the user may be led to believe that they are only facing a minor technical problem, when in reality they may be on the brink of a cyber attack.

Malware, in this context, is a “strategic” tool for crime. They can be disguised as quick fixes to “renew” the expired SSL Digital Certificate or they can be introduced into the user’s system as legitimate updates.

Malware: The Stealthy Hacking Tool

The term “malware” encompasses a wide range of malicious software, from viruses and worms to trojans and ransomware. These are tools developed specifically to exploit, damage or access systems and networks without authorization.

In the digital age, malware has become the weapon of choice for many cybercriminals, and its continuous evolution poses a constant threat to individuals and organizations.

The real danger of malware lies in its ability to operate stealthily.

A lot of malware is designed to infiltrate systems undetected, collecting information, monitoring user activity or establishing backdoors for future attacks.

They can be introduced into a system by a variety of methods, from seemingly harmless downloads and malicious links to exploiting vulnerabilities in outdated software.

In the context of expired SSL Digital Certificates, malware takes the threat to a new level

Cybercriminals can use criminal technology to create phishing pages that mimic expired certificate alerts, tricking users into providing personal information or downloading even more malicious software.

In addition, criminals can make use of Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, in which a malicious agent intercepts and alters communication between two parties without them realizing it.

If the digital certificate on a website has expired, an attacker can present their own certificate to the user, allowing them to intercept all communications.

The increasing sophistication of malware requires a proactive and informed approach to cyber security.

Understanding the multifaceted nature of malware and its interaction with vulnerabilities such as expired SSL Digital Certificates is essential to building robust defenses and protecting valuable information and assets.

Best Practices in Managing Expired SSL Digital Certificates

The effective management of SSL Digital Certificates is a crucial task in the information age. As we’ve seen throughout the article, these certificates are the front line of defense against cyber threats, guaranteeing the authenticity and security of online communications.

However, when poorly managed, especially when they expire, they can become weak points ready to be exploited.

Here are some best practices for robust management of Expired SSL Digital Certificates:

  1. Regular Audit and Monitoring

Implement audit routines to regularly check the validity of all SSL Certificates in your infrastructure. Automated tools can be used to track and warn of approaching expiration dates.

  1. Proactive Renewal

Establish a proactive renewal process, ensuring that certificates are updated well before their expiration date.

  1. Education and Training

Train your technical team on the importance of Managing Expired SSL Digital Certificates and keep them up to date on the best practices and tools available.

  1. Backup and Recovery

Keep backup copies of all your SSL Certificates and associated keys in secure locations. In the event of failure or compromise, having a backup allows for quick and efficient recovery.

  1. Clear Security Policies

Establish and maintain clear policies on the acquisition, installation, renewal and revocation of SSL Certificates.

  1. Partnership with Trusted Certification Authorities

Only work with recognized and trusted Certification Authorities (CA) that can offer additional support and guidance.

  1. Implementing Multiple Levels of Authentication

In addition to the SSL Certificate, adopt multi-factor authentication to guarantee an extra layer of security.

  1. Security Updates and Patches

Keep all systems and software related to certificate management up to date, ensuring that known vulnerabilities are corrected.

  1. Reviewing Logs and Alerts

Regularly monitor access logs and set up alerts for suspicious activity related to your certificates, such as unauthorized installation or alteration attempts.

  1. Incident Response Planning

Have a clear and tested plan on how to respond to incidents related to SSL Certificates, including rapid identification of the problem, communication with stakeholders and remediation measures.

With these ten best practices, organizations will be better prepared to face the challenges associated with the Management of Expired SSL Digital Certificates, guaranteeing a robust and proactive security posture.

Keyfactor Command: The Ultimate Solution for Managing Expired SSL Digital Certificates

The effective management of SSL Digital Certificates is a crucial task in guaranteeing the security of online communications. With Keyfactor Command, organizations have a powerful tool to face the challenges associated with managing Expired SSL Certificates.

Here are some ways in which Keyfactor Command can help:

  • Complete VisibilityKeyfactor Command offers full visibility of all certificates, regardless of their location. It uses real-time synchronization with Certification Authorities (CA), network scanning and key discovery and trust stores, ensuring that no certificate goes unnoticed.
  • Automation and OrchestrationWith Keyfactor Command, organizations can automate the renewal, provisioning and installation of certificates. It offers modular orchestrators that provision certificates directly to network endpoints, load balancers, web servers and cloud workloads.
  • Granular ControlsKeyfactor Command allows you to define role-based permissions, controlling what users and groups can see and do within the platform. This includes approving and defining workflows for enrolling and revoking certificates.
  • Self-serviceThe platform offers programmatic enrollment or self-service of certificates via an intuitive portal or REST API. This makes it easier to issue and manage certificates, reducing complexity for teams.

  • Alerts and Reports
    Keyfactor Command allows you to generate customized or predefined reports, send alerts via e-mail or chat tools and the ability to renew, revoke or detail certificates with a single click.

  • Deployment Flexibility
    With Keyfactor Command, organizations have the flexibility to deploy or migrate PKI and certificate management wherever they need it, whether on-premises, in the cloud, as a service or in combination with fully managed PKI.

Among the main existing security measures, Keyfactor Command is a comprehensive solution that addresses the challenges of Expired SSL Digital Certificate Management, offering visibility, control, automation and flexibility to ensure the security and compliance of online communications.

Eval is partner official partner Keyfactor

Keyfactor is a leading company in identity management and access security solutions, helping organizations around the world to protect their confidential data and guarantee the integrity of their systems.

As an official Keyfactor partner, Eval is deeply committed to assisting our clients in implementing effective security practices. Our goal is to ensure the protection of code signing keys and compliance with industry standards.

Together, we will work to offer customized and innovative solutions, taking into account the specific needs of each client.

The partnership allows us to provide an even better service to our customers, combining our experience in software security with Keyfactor’s expertise in code signing and SSL/TLS certificate management.

Contact Eval to learn more about how our partnership with Keyfactor can help you strengthen your software security and ensure the integrity of your operations.

Take advantage of the opportunity to work with Eval and Keyfactor to ensure maximum protection and efficiency in your software operations.

We are committed to providing the best security solutions to meet your specific needs and ensure the peace of mind you deserve.

About Eval

Eval has been developing projects in the financial, health, education, and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered solutions for Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature, and Data Protection. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With recognized value by the market, Eval’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards for public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and the General Law of Data Protection (LGPD). In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Data Protection

Protecting Confidential Data: Discover the CipherTrust Solution

Protecting confidential data has become one of the biggest challenges of the Information Technology era. As digitalization continues apace, organizations are faced with the increasingly complex task of protecting a growing amount of sensitive data. That’s when the CipherTrust Data Security Platform makes the difference.

The need for effective and comprehensive data security solutions has never been greater.

In this context, Thales’ CipherTrust Data Security Platform has emerged as an innovative and robust solution. Combining a variety of advanced technologies in a single platform, the solution offers a simplified but highly effective approach to protecting sensitive information.

It is designed to help organizations navigate the data security maze by providing tools to discover, classify, protect and control sensitive data.

The CipherTrust platform not only meets today’s data security challenges, but is also designed to adapt and evolve with future changes.

By offering a unified solution for data security, CipherTrust allows organizations to focus on their core operations, knowing that their confidential data is safe.

The Challenge of Protecting Confidential Data

With the proliferation of cloud services and the accelerated digitization of business processes, organizations now deal with an unprecedented amount of sensitive data.

This data, which can include personal, financial or intellectual property information, is often an attractive target for cybercriminals.

Protecting confidential data is more than a security issue – it’s a commercial and legal necessity. Security breaches can result in significant damage, from loss of customer trust and reputational damage to hefty fines for non-compliance with data protection regulations.

In addition, the loss or theft of confidential data can give competitors an unfair advantage, damaging an organization’s competitive position.

However, protecting confidential data is a complex challenge. Data can reside in a variety of locations, from local servers to cloud services, and can be accessed and shared by a variety of users and applications.

In fact, threats to data security are constantly evolving, requiring organizations to be ever vigilant and up-to-date with the latest security measures.

It is in this challenging scenario that the CipherTrust Data Security Platform stands out. It offers a robust and comprehensive solution for the protection of sensitive informationhelping organizations navigate the data security maze.

CipherTrust: The Key to Data Security

The CipherTrust Data Security Platform is a robust and innovative solution for the Protection of Confidential Data. It combines a variety of advanced technologies in a single architecture, providing a simplified but highly effective approach to securing sensitive information.

Designed to help organizations navigate the data security maze, the solution combines data discovery, classification, risk analysis, encryption, access control, tokenization and key management functions.

This integrated approach allows organizations to have a clear and controlled view of their private data, regardless of where it is stored or how it is accessed.

In practice, the CipherTrust platform goes beyond simply defending sensitive data. It is designed to adapt and evolve with the changing landscape of sensitive information security.

This means that as new threats emerge and new requirements for protecting sensitive data are introduced, the CipherTrust platform can be adjusted and updated to meet these challenges.

Sensitive Information Security: Platform Features and Benefits CipherTrust

The platformrma CipherTrust platform offers a full range of information-centric security features.

Main features

Features :

  • Discovery, Classification and Protection of Sensitive Data
    The platform allows organizations to obtain complete visibility of sensitive data, both in on-premises environments and in the cloud.
  • Protection of Confidential Data: CipherTrust offers file-level encryption with access, application and database controls. The platform provides static and dynamic data anonymization using tokenization, based on protection and privacy policies, to support a wide range of use cases.

  • Access Control:
    The platform provides granular permission controls and centralized key management, allowing organizations to monitor, detect, control and report authorized and unauthorized access to data and encryption keys.
Benefits for companies:
  • Support for most major public cloud providers:

Nowadays it’s not uncommon for companies to use several public cloud providers, and given this dynamic scenario, CipherTrust has been providing extensive support for Azure, AWS, Google Cloud and Oracle.

This multi-faceted compatibility has enabled more structured key management, freed from the constraints of a single cloud service provider.

It is increasingly common to come across a challenging issue when dealing with multiple cloud providers: encryption restricted to a single provider.

This problem occurs when you choose to use the encryption provided by one provider and then need to migrate to another.

Herein lies the difficulty – keys generated exclusively by one provider tend to remain tied to it, creating an obstacle to the migration of encrypted data.

By providing support for the main cloud services, CipherTrust offers a solution to this dilemma.

By ensuring that key management is carried out in an organized manner and independently of the cloud provider, users are free to migrate between different providers without worrying about the loss or incompatibility of encrypted data.

In this way, CipherTrust’s multifunctional and versatile support is an indispensable tool for modern companies looking to operate optimally, securely and flexibly in the cloud, regardless of the cloud service they choose.

  • Simplification of Confidential Data Protection:

With optimized and versatile integration, the platform provides a comprehensive solution that unites the detection, protection and management of sensitive data, both on-premises and in the cloud, all in a single interface.

This multi-capability platform goes beyond the conventional, providing an efficient discovery mechanism that identifies and classifies sensitive data, allowing companies to stay on top of their critical information, regardless of where it is stored.

Once identified, this data receives robust protection through encryption, data masking and access and usage control. The protection is universally applied in various environments, guaranteeing the consistent security of your data, whether on local servers or in the cloud.

Another unique feature of the platform is the precise control it offers. Auditing and tracking features allow companies to monitor data usage and efficiently manage access rights, providing complete and secure data management.

In short, the platform converges data discovery, protection and control resources into a single interface, simplifying workflow and increasing efficiency in the management of sensitive information, a primary need in today’s digital age.

  • Accelerated Time to Compliance:

The CipherTrust solution offers comprehensive data security capabilities, including data discovery and classification. It also provides encryption, granular access controls and audit logs.

  • Secure migration to the Cloud:

CipherTrust allows organizations to move workloads to the cloud and hosted environments, and repatriate data back to on-premises environments, while maintaining control over their data.

The CipherTrust Data Security Platform not only simplifies data security, but also speeds up migrations to the cloud and significantly reduces the risks of data exposure throughout the organization.

It offers a unified and ubiquitous approach across all available IT environments, enabling a wide range of business-focused use cases, as well as compliance.

Eval is an Official Thales Partner: Confidential Data Protection Guaranteed with the CipherTrust Platform

As we’ve seen throughout this article, the security of sensitive information is an urgent necessity in today’s digital age.

With the CipherTrust Data Security Platform, organizations have the opportunity to tackle this challenge head-on, guaranteeing the security of sensitive information. It maintains control over your data, regardless of where it is stored or how it is accessed.

The CipherTrust platform offers a robust and comprehensive solution for protecting confidential data. Your company has access to a wide range of technologies that can be managed by CSPs or MSPs, or as a cloud-based service managed by Thales, a leading security company.

Eval, as an official Thales partner, is ready to help your organization implement the CipherTrust platform

With experienced and certified professionals, Eval ensures that your organization gets the most out of the CipherTrust solution.

With the official Thales partnership, we promote compliance with the main sensitive data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Act (LGPD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), giving you peace of mind that your data is protected against cybercrime, ransomware attacks and other threats.

Visit Eval’s website to learn more about the CipherTrust solution and how it can benefit your organization. With the CipherTrust platform, you can be sure that the protection of your confidential data is in safe hands.

About Eval

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With market recognized value, Eval’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards for public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote the security of sensitive information and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Written by Arnaldo Miranda, Evaldo. Ai, reviewed by Marcelo Tiziano and designed by Caio.

Data Protection

Data Protection in the Cloud: A Critical Challenge for Enterprises

In 2022, the“Cloud Security Report” published by Fortinet revealed that 22% of respondents considered cloud security to be one of the biggest challenges in adopting cloud computing technology.

However, the 2023 report shows a significant change. Cloud adoption has remained stable, with almost 40% of respondents claiming to have moved more than half of their workloads to the cloud, and 58% expecting to do the same in the next 12 to 18 months.

Even so, data protection in the cloud remains a major concern, with 95% of companies worried about security in public cloud environments.

The Impact of Cloud Security: An Updated Perspective

As we saw in the research published by Fortinet, cloud security remains a major challenge, especially for companies that are migrating critical data and applications to the cloud.

In many cases, cloud adoption is being inhibited by a series of related challenges that prevent faster and wider adoption of cloud services.

Configuration error remains the biggest security risk in the cloud, according to 59% of cybersecurity professionals. Despite the economic headwinds, cloud security budgets are increasing for most organizations (60%) by an average of 33%.

In addition, 44% of organizations are looking for ways to achieve better visibility and control in the security of hybrid and multi-cloud networks.

On the other hand, 90% are looking for a single cloud security platform to protect data consistently and comprehensively across their entire cloud presence.

Therefore, to navigate the complex landscape of cloud security, organizations must adopt a proactive and centralized approach.

By incorporating cybersecurity into their migration to the cloud, companies can reduce risk, improve security and save costs.

By tackling cloud security challenges head on and harnessing the power of centralized platforms, organizations can unlock the full potential of the cloud while protecting their critical assets.

How does the lack of cloud security affect companies’ willingness to adopt cloud technologies?

This is due to the fact that the cloud suffers from constant threats that companies need to address on an ongoing basis.

Attacks such as DDoS, credential theft, malware and other types of threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. And that’s not counting internal risks, which can also lead to compromised data security in the cloud.

In addition, companies also face the challenge of compliance. With increasing regulations, such as
General Data Protection Law (LGPD)
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
companies need to ensure that they are complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.

Other challenges companies face when it comes to data protection in the cloud

Besides the possibility of suffering attacks, there are other challenges that companies face when it comes to ensuring data protection in the cloud.

The following are some of the most pressing issues that companies must deal with when migrating their technology infrastructure to the cloud.

  1. Shortage of experienced professionals directly impacts data protection in the cloud

Migrating to the cloud requires highly skilled and experienced professionals. However, the lack of qualified professionals is one of the main problems companies face today.

With the growing demand for cloud IT professionals, the competition to hire these professionals is increasing, which means that companies have to spend more to hire and retain these employees.

A high risk that must be prioritized.

  1. APIs that are not safe to use

APIs are extremely important for allowing applications and devices to communicate with each other, but they also pose a major security risk in the cloud.

If APIs are not properly secured, cybercriminals can easily use them to gain unauthorized access to companies’ data and information.

One of the concerns companies have today is how to securely store and distribute API keys, also known as API secrets, given the high volume and agility required by DevOps teams.


  1. Insecure Cloud Data Storage

Business data is often stored on insecure cloud devices, which means it is subject to various risks, including cyber attacks.

If company data is not properly protected, cybercriminals can easily access it and steal the information.

Sometimes companies even have numerous protections in place, but even so, the hacker needs just one loophole, as reported

Docker Hub images leak sensitive data and private keys.

In case specific it was evenencryption was used to protect the data, but the storage of the keys was not.

  1. Use of open source applications

Open source applications are increasingly popular as they are considered cheaper and easier to deploy.

Applications can pose a major risk to companies’ cloud data protection, since cybercriminals can easily find and exploit the vulnerabilities present in them.

  1. Incorrect settings

Incorrect configurations are another major cloud data protection problem faced by companies. If the settings are not adjusted correctly, this can allow cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to company data and information.

In addition, incorrect configurations can also prevent companies from accessing the security features needed to secure their networks.

In fact, data protection in the cloud is a critical challenge for companies of all sizes. With the increased adoption of the cloud, cybercriminals are increasingly looking for new ways to attack companies.

Companies must therefore ensure that they are properly prepared to meet these challenges, otherwise they may suffer serious consequences.

Thales Data Protection on Demand (DPoD): Data protection in the cloud on demand

The award-winning Thales Data Protection on Demand is a cloud-based platform that offers a wide range of cloud HSM and key management services through a simple online marketplace.

Security is now simplified, more cost-effective and easier to manage because there is no hardware to buy, deploy and maintain.

Just click and deploy the services you need, provision users, add devices and get usage reports in minutes.

With DPoD, you can:

  • Focus on services, not hardware;
  • Buy only what you need and reduce costs;
  • Protect data anywhere;
  • Get real-time reports and visibility;
  • Easily integrate with existing applications, IT infrastructure and services.
With DPoDthere is no need for initial capital investment and prices are based on usage

There is no hardware or software to buy or upgrade. You have the flexibility to buy services to meet changing business needs.

In addition, Thales Data Protection on Demand allows you to easily integrate your cloud and IT services. Pre-configured APIs make it easy to integrate key management and HSM services on demand.

With DPoD, you can protect sensitive data in any environment – cloud, virtual or local. Protect the data you create, store and analyze. Encrypt your blockchain, cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

DPoD offers infinite scalability and elasticity. Expand HSM and key management services up and down automatically. Easily grow key and HSM management capacity and encryption capabilities without limitations.

Focus on your business

There’s no need to buy, provision, configure and maintain technology assets. The entire technological infrastructure is managed by Thales, including an SLA.

Thales Data Protection on Demand was awarded the Gold 2022 Cybersecurity Excellence Award for the best managed security service. This award honors individuals and companies that demonstrate excellence, innovation and leadership in information security.

In short, in addition to encrypting the data, store the key in a cloud HSM that is separate from your current infrastructure in order to increase the degree of security, so that once your company’s data has been leaked, the hacker will not have access to the cloud HSM in an environment outside your applications’ cloud.

Find out how the Eval and Thales partnership can help your company

The partnership between Eval and Thales allows your company to benefit from the Data Protection on Demand solution without the need to purchase, provision, configure and maintain hardware and software for your HSM and cryptographic key management needs.

All physical hardware, software, and infrastructure are managed by the existing official partnership between Eval and Thales, including an SLA, so you can focus on your business.

We deploy and manage cryptographic key management module services and hardware security, on demand and in cloud adoption.

With on-demand data protection, Eval and Thales can offer encryption and key management services quickly and easily.

Ensure your company’s cybersecurity with the expertise of Eval Professional Services

Eval Professional Services is made up of a team of experts who ensure that your company is in good hands.

With qualified professionals certified by Thales, we offer security services tailored to the needs of your business.

Take advantage of our vast experience and expertise in information security and LGPD compliance.

From defining the scope of the project to handing it over to the client, we provide customized solutions that integrate cutting-edge encryption technologies and secure access control infrastructure.

As your partner, we are ready to help you carry out digitization projects in compliance with security and data protection regulations.

Our commitment to excellence allows us to minimize risks, maximize performance and guarantee the data protection in cloud adoption that your customers and partners expect.

We share our experience in all business flows to help you protect what is most valuable: your data and customers.

Discover the benefits of Professional Services for your company.

About Eval

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Written by Arnaldo Miranda, Evaldo. Ai, reviewed by Marcelo Tiziano and designed by Caio.