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Data Protection

Protecting Your Company’s Data: 7 Tips to Keep It Safe

With so much important information stored in virtual environments, it is now imperative to constantly update your company’s data protection tactics using cybersecurity.

The more shielded your business becomes from hacker and malware attacks, the less likely it is to encounter problems. Some situations can cause financial losses and also a breach of trust that the customer has with the company.

Your business could even face legal action and be forced to pay compensation to the customers or suppliers involved. So it’s always best to be ready to avoid breaches.

So, check out these 7 tips for maintaining your company’s data protection.

1. keep your software up to date to ensure your company’s data is protected

Constantly updating your software can seem like a high and constant cost.

But this is actually an important investment in cybersecurity, since outdated versions can be vulnerable to the installation of malicious programs, as happened in 2016 with machines that had versions of Windows 10 and 7 installed.

2. Pay attention to email servers

To give you an idea, at the end of 2017 alone, the Scarabransomware was sent to more than 12 million email accounts. This is one of the main entry points for this type of attack.

That’s why, in addition to having extra protections set up for your email server, it’s important to always pay attention to the type of information circulating in your messages.

In short, the ideal is to transmit as little sensitive data as possible by e-mail, whether internal or external.

3. Provide data protection training

We often invest in processes and tools and forget about people. Therefore, in order to prevent e-mail attacks, it is necessary to provide adequate training for your employees and suppliers.

In this way, they are prepared to identify malicious links and improper requests to send data that could compromise everyone’s security.

In fact, training is often the cheapest and quickest investment you can make when it comes to cybersecurity.

4. Protect the entire technological infrastructure

Today it’s not just computers and servers that carry important information about your business and customers.

That’s why it’s also important to pay attention to the protection of smartphones, tablets and any other device that could open up security breaches.


5. To Ensure Your Company’s Data Protection, Use Encryption

Sensitive data such as credit card numbers or important documents should be treated with extra concern.

By encrypting this information, it is guaranteed that external agents will not be able to read the data, even if they have managed to get to it.

6. Install Protection Barriers and Create Strong Passwords

There is no such thing as too much protection when it comes to information security. Install antivirus, firewalls and anti-spam at all the necessary points.

Also remember to create strong passwords, which should, if possible, be changed from time to time.

7. Make Backups and Have a Recovery Plan

Even if you follow all these tips, there’s no guarantee that your company won’t suffer from data loss.

That’s why it’s important to have a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) in place.

This is a document that contains the procedures that should be taken if the company needs to recover from an IT-related problem.

And, of course, always make backups of your information so that it can be recovered more easily. To do this, use the 3-2-1 rule. In other words, create three backups, using two different media.

One of these three should be stored in a different location or even in the cloud.

Want to know more about cybersecurity?

Now that you’ve read some tips for increasing your company’s data protection, here are the main recommendations for cybersecurity in 2018.

About Eval

A Eval está há mais de 18 anos desenvolvendo projetos nos segmentos financeiro, saúde, educação e indústria. Desde 2004, oferecemos soluções de Autenticação, Assinatura Eletrônica e Digital e Proteção de Dados. Atualmente, estamos presentes nos principais bancos brasileiros, instituições de saúde, escolas e universidades, além de diferentes indústrias. 

Com valor reconhecido pelo mercado, as soluções e serviços da Eval atendem aos mais altos padrões regulatórios das organizações públicas e privadas, tais como o SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, e a LGPD. Na prática, promovemos a segurança da informação e o compliance, o aumento da eficiência operacional das empresas, além da redução de custos. 

Inove agora, lidere sempre: conheça as soluções e serviços da Eval e leve sua empresa para o próximo nível. 

Eval, segurança é valor. 

Data Protection

Security on mobile devices – 10 steps to protect yourself

A segurança em dispositivos móveis é um tema cada vez mais relevante no mundo moderno. Com o crescimento do uso de smartphones e tablets, é fundamental que as pessoas se preocupem em proteger suas informações pessoais e profissionais armazenadas nesses dispositivos.

Infelizmente, muitos usuários não têm conhecimento sobre as ameaças e os riscos envolvidos no uso desses dispositivos, o que pode resultar em violações de privacidade, perda de dados e até mesmo roubo de identidade.

Neste contexto, é essencial que os usuários de dispositivos móveis adotem medidas preventivas para garantir a segurança de suas informações.

Para isso, reunimos neste artigo 10 passos que podem ajudar na segurança em dispositivos móveis contra ameaças cibernéticas.

São medidas simples e eficazes, que podem ser adotadas por qualquer pessoa, independentemente do nível de conhecimento em tecnologia.

Com esses 10 passos, você estará mais preparado para lidar com os riscos e ameaças à segurança em dispositivos móveis. Afinal, a proteção de seus dados é um assunto que deve ser levado a sério, e é responsabilidade de cada usuário proteger suas informações pessoais e profissionais.

Siga nossas recomendações e mantenha-se protegido no mundo digital!

#1 – Mantenha o sistema operacional dos dispositivos móveis protegidos com as últimas atualizações

Keeping the operating system of your mobile devices up to date is one of the most effective measures for ensuring security on mobile devices and protecting your information.

Here are some reasons and benefits for doing so:

  • Correções de Vulnerabilidades: Fabricantes de dispositivos móveis frequentemente lançam atualizações para corrigir vulnerabilidades que foram descobertas desde o último lançamento. Ao atualizar, você garante que seu dispositivo está protegido contra essas vulnerabilidades conhecidas.
  • Melhorias de segurança em dispositivos móveis: Além de correções de bugs, as atualizações do sistema operacional muitas vezes vêm com melhorias de segurança que tornam seu dispositivo mais resistente a novos tipos de ataques.
  • Compatibilidade com Novos Aplicativos: Aplicativos mais recentes podem exigir versões mais recentes do sistema operacional para funcionar corretamente. Ao manter seu sistema atualizado, você garante que pode usar e aproveitar os aplicativos mais recentes e mais seguros disponíveis.
  • Otimizações de Desempenho: Atualizações frequentemente incluem otimizações que fazem seu dispositivo funcionar mais rápido e de maneira mais eficiente.
  • Proteção Contra Malware: Muitos malwares são projetados para explorar vulnerabilidades em versões mais antigas de sistemas operacionais. Ao atualizar, você reduz o risco de seu dispositivo ser infectado.

#2 – Mobile device security also involves backing up your information

Regularly backing up information stored on mobile devices is one of the most essential practices for ensuring the security of mobile devices.

Data loss prevention happens because mobile devices are subject to physical damage, software failures or even theft. In any of these scenarios, without a proper backup, the stored information could be permanently lost.

In practice, in the event of data loss, having an up-to-date backup allows you to restore your information quickly, minimizing interruptions and ensuring the continuity of your daily activities.

#3 – Busque fontes confiáveis para garantir dispositivos móveis protegidos

Marketplaces validate the APPs available, but they are not infallible. For example, in November 2017 a fake version of WhatsApp was downloaded more than 1 million times.

When it comes to installing applications on mobile devices, it is crucial to ensure that they are downloaded from reliable sources.

Applications from unverified sources can contain malware, which can compromise the security of your device and steal your personal information.

In addition, some malicious applications can disguise themselves as updates to popular applications, but in reality, they are fake versions that can harm your device or steal your data.

#4 – Use a screen lock password

Locking the screen with a password is one of the first lines of security on mobile devices. It serves as an initial barrier against unauthorized access, protecting information, applications and device functions from prying eyes or malicious intent.

In addition, the screen lock password is not only a reactive security measure, but also a proactive one. It discourages access attempts, as potential attackers know they will have to overcome this barrier before accessing anything on the device.

This can be especially useful in situations where the device is lost or forgotten in a public place.

Technology has also evolved to offer various forms of screen locking, from traditional alphanumeric passwords and drawing patterns to biometrics such as fingerprints and facial recognition.

These options offer varying levels of security and convenience, allowing users to choose the method that best suits their needs and lifestyle.

#5 – Watch your screen exposure

A person next to you or over your shoulder could be collecting information in an unauthorized way, with the added aggravation of the victim not even detecting it.

To minimize this risk, you can use a privacy film, for example.

In addition to the screen, today audio messages are exchanged, often “played” on speakerphone.

That way, it’s even easier to get information about who’s in the conversation.

#6 – Manter o antivírus atualizado é essencial para a segurança em dispositivos móveis

Keeping your antivirus up to date is essential for the security of your mobile device. With the advance of technology and the growing sophistication of cybercriminals, new types of malware are developed and released on a regular basis.

Antivirus updates are designed to combat these new threats by adding definitions of new malware to their database and improving detection algorithms.

An outdated antivirus may not recognize the latest threats, making the device vulnerable. On the other hand, an up-to-date antivirus identifies and neutralizes these threats, protecting your information and the functioning of your device.

#7 – Securing mobile devices means paying attention when using public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks, such as those found in cafés, airports and squares, are convenient, but often not secure. By connecting to one of these networks, you could be exposing yourself to a number of risks.

Firstly, these networks are often unprotected, which means that anyone can access the data you send or receive while connected. This includes sensitive information such as passwords, bank details and personal messages.

There is also the risk of “Man-in-the-Middle” (MitM). In this type of attack, the criminal places themselves between the user and the connection, intercepting and, in some cases, altering the communication between the two. This can be used to steal information or insert malware into the user’s device.

#8 – Configure notifications properly when the screen is locked

The notifications that appear on the locked screen of a mobile device can be a window into personal and sensitive information.

When applications such as email or social networks display previews of your messages or notifications on the locked screen, this can allow someone, at a glance, to find out more about your activities, appointments, contacts or any other information that may be displayed.

In addition, the information displayed in notifications can be used by malicious people in social engineering attempts or other types of attacks.

When it comes to security on mobile devices, it’s crucial to properly configure notifications on the locked screen, limiting the amount of information displayed or completely disabling previews for sensitive applications.

This ensures that your information remains private and protected, even when the device is locked.

#9 – Be aware of the information stored on mobile devices

Mobile devices have become an extension of our lives, storing a vast amount of personal and professional information.

From photos and messages to work documents and bank details, these devices contain details that, if they fall into the wrong hands, could have devastating consequences.

It’s crucial to be aware of the type of information you keep on your smartphone or tablet. Some information, such as sensitive or confidential data, may not be suitable for storage on a device that can easily be lost or stolen.

Being aware of the information stored on your mobile devices is not just a matter of organization, but a fundamental step in ensuring protected mobile devices.

#10 – Enable the remote lock and wipe feature

The remote lock and wipe feature is an essential tool for mobile device security. It allows users to remotely lock their devices, making them inaccessible to anyone who finds them or tries to use them without permission.

In addition to locking, the remote wipe feature allows users to erase all data from the device, ensuring that sensitive information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. This is crucial because, in many cases, the information contained on the device can be more valuable than the device itself.

In extreme scenarios, it may be more beneficial for the user to ensure that their data is completely erased, even if this means losing access to the device, than to risk exposing this data to malicious entities.

About Eval

EVAL has been developing projects in the financial, health, education and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature and Data Protection solutions. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.