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Data Protection

Cyber Attacks on Your Business: The Critical Role of CISOs

Today, cybersecurity and the protection through handling of personal data are increasingly strategic issues and protection against cyberattacks in your company should be the focus, especially for CISOs.

Cyber-attacks are becoming frequent and, in practice, can seriously damage a company’s reputation or cause financial losses.

The Global Study “
Cybersecurity Solutions for a World with More Risks
” conducted by Thought Lab and co-sponsored by Elastic, found that Brazil was the country whose companies suffered the highest number of security incidents, with associated damage, in the last two years.

And it is not only large companies that are at risk. Small businesses are equally vulnerable and may be even more susceptible to attacks because they do not have the same resources to invest in security measures.

So what can you do to protect your business? Here are four key areas that CISOs in Brazilian companies should focus on.

CISOs are strategic against cyber attacks in your company

CISOs are responsible for the security of an organization’s information. In the past, their role was mainly reactive, focused on responding to attacks after they had already occurred.

However, as awareness of the importance of data security has grown, the role of CISOs has become critical.

Today, faced with the challenge against cyber attacks in their company, CISOs are responsible for developing and implementing security plans that proactively protect against threats.

They work closely with other executive leaders to ensure that data security is integrated into all aspects of the business.

As a result, CISOs play a key role in protecting an organization’s most valuable asset: its data.

Priorities for CISOs to protect against cyber attacks in their enterprise

1. Adopt state-of-the-art SIEM

Any business that depends on technology to stay competitive needs to adopt a state-of-the-art SIEM solution. That is the only way to keep up with the changing landscape of cyber threats.

The most common way for attackers to gain access to corporate networks is through compromised user credentials.

In Brazil, 35% of organizations want to improve or replace their SIEM, according to research done by Thought Lab. The survey points out that SIEM will be one of the main areas of investment in cybersecurity in the coming years.

Associated with security policy, with a state-of-the-art SIEM solution, companies can detect and prevent attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in software or devices. They can also monitor employee activity to prevent data breaches.

In addition, SIEM solutions can provide valuable information about network performance and help companies comply with regulations.

2. Plan the transition to the cloud prioritizing security

The cloud offers a number of advantages for organizations, such as agility, economy, and flexibility. However, migrating systems to the cloud can also bring security risks.

And, therefore, an important point to consider in your company’s initiatives against cyber attacks, along with privacy and security policy initiatives

Also according to a study done by Thought Lab the main root causes of cyber attacks on your company are:

  • Wrong settings (57%);
  • Poor maintenance (37%);
  • Human errors (35%) ;
  • Unknown assets (27%).

Clear risks in a context in which companies adopt cloud solutions and services aimed at business growth.

Therefore, it is critical that CISOs plan the transition to the cloud carefully, prioritizing data security. One way to ensure data protection is to use the services of a reliable infrastructure company.

With a well-designed and executed plan, enterprises can have peace of mind to take full advantage of the cloud.

3. Develop an IT architecture integrated with the latest technologies

As anyone in business knows, information technology is essential for companies of all sizes. IT helps companies operate more efficiently and connect with customers and partners.

However, Technology can also be a complex and ever-changing scenario. To keep up with the latest technology trends, companies need to develop an integrated IT architecture.

This means, in the challenge of fighting cyber attacks in your company, having a system that can easily adapt to new technologies as they arise.

By doing this, enterprise CISOs can ensure that they are always using the most up-to-date IT tools and applications.

In today’s competitive business environment, an integrated IT architecture is essential for success.

4. Prioritize security with a focus on data protection

Security should be a priority for all business owners, especially those who deal with sensitive data. Customer data is valuable and must be protected at all costs against possible cyber attacks on your company.

Unfortunately, many companies do not pay enough attention to security and end up falling victim to cybercriminals through different types of attacks.

Only 24% of Brazilian organizations use advanced techniques to detect threats, and 47% of them claim not to have detection processes properly implemented.

This can lead to the loss of important data as well as diminished customer confidence. Therefore, it is crucial that company CISOs invest in security and always be on the lookout for possible threats.

The protection of customer data is a responsibility that cannot be ignored.

5. Promote an information security culture in the company

Promoting a culture of information security within a company is essential to protect data and minimize the risk of a breach.

Employees should be trained on proper data handling procedures and informed of the potentially serious consequences of a breach.

Robust security policies and procedures should be implemented and reviewed regularly. By taking these steps, enterprise CISOs can help create a culture of information security and reduce the risk of a costly data breach.

With the growing number of threats to information security, Brazilian companies can no longer ignore the problem of Information Security.

It’s time to act now to protect against cyber attacks in your company

CISOs: Cybersecurity with real-time data protection and secure encryption

In response to cyber attacks on your company, CipherTrust emerges as an effective and robust solution to ensure cyber security.

With an approach that integrates real-time data protection and secure encryption, CipherTrust provides a reliable line of defense against threats such as ransomware attacks.

A distinctive feature of the CipherTrust solution is its ability to secure and control access to a variety of data assets, including databases, files, and containers.

In addition, no matter where your data assets are located – whether they are in cloud, virtual, big data, or physical environments – CipherTrust can provide consistent and reliable protection against cyber attacks across your enterprise

Additionally, CipherTrust offers the ability to anonymize your sensitive assets.

This is critical for the protection of your company’s data, as it ensures that even in the event of a data breach, sensitive assets remain secure and inaccessible.

This helps prevent future problems with data leaks and strengthens your company’s overall security posture.

In summary, CipherTrust is a comprehensive and effective security solution, providing peace of mind for businesses facing the growing threat of cyber attacks.

The solution serves as a crucial layer of defense, allowing companies to focus on their core operations, knowing that their information is secure.

Professional Services has a team of specialized professionals with the best practices in the market

Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise in information security and LGPD compliance.

With Professional Services we will be your partner for carrying out digitization projects in compliance with security regulations and personal information protection.

We share our expertise across all business flows to help you minimize risk, maximize performance, and ensure the data protection your customers expect.

About Eval

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With market recognized value, Eval’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards for public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Written by Arnaldo Miranda, Evaldo. Ai, reviewed by Marcelo Tiziano and designed by Caio.

Digital Certificates

Eval and Keyfactor partnership: together for cybersecurity

Eval, the leading digital certification and information security company in Brazil, has established a strategic partnership with Keyfactor, a company specialized in SSL/TLS certificate management, identity and access security..

The Eval and Keyfactor partnership combines the companies’ expertise and solutions to deliver significant advances in information technology and innovation in the Brazilian market.

This new partnership strengthens Eval’s position as a digital security provider in Brazil.

The company already has established partnerships with Thales Group, a global leader in cybersecurity and protection of sensitive data and personal information, and the PCI Security Standards Council, the forum responsible for the development and adoption of data security standards for payments worldwide.

In addition, Eval has a partnership with Valid Certificadora Digital, a Certification Authority.

Eval and Keyfactor partnership is key to enterprise data security and protection

With the integration of Keyfactor’s solutions, Eval will expand its ability to meet the growing market demands of securing sensitive data and personal information, security policies, and digital identity management.

The Eval and Keyfactor partnership will allow us to offer a unified platform for managing SSL/TLS certificates and cryptographic keys, simplifying the process and reducing the risks associated with information loss or leakage.

The collaboration between Eval and Keyfactor will also bring significant benefits to the Brazilian market, including:

Enhanced SSL/TLS certificate management for increased security and availability

The Eval and Keyfactor partnership provides businesses and individuals with the ability to conduct digital transactions with greater security and availability.

This is made possible by integrating Keyfactor’s identity management solutions with Eval’s SSL/TLS certificates.

The big differential is the centralization and automation in the management of SSL/TLS certificates, which reduce errors and mitigate the unavailability of systems and services.

This approach, in turn, enhances security and corporate governance, ensuring business continuity and protecting critical information.

Eval and Keyfactor partnership = advanced products and services

The partnership between Eval and Keyfactor provides the Brazilian market with access to cutting-edge technologies and international best practices in digital security and identity management.

This advance strengthens users’ trust in digital transactions and services, encouraging the adoption of new technologies and innovative solutions, especially in SSL/TLS certificate management.

The solution provides greater visibility and control over the lifecycle of your company’s Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) and SSL/TLS certificates.

This mitigates the risk of unexpected interruptions, manual update processes, and errors. With Keyfactor Command, take full control of your PKI and certificate infrastructure.

Eval, with experience since 2004 with PKI, offers a highly qualified professional service, consolidating its position as a reference in the sector.

This expertise accumulated over the years allows Eval to provide robust and efficient services and solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.

By joining forces with Keyfactor, the company further expands its range of solutions and strengthens its ability to offer cutting-edge services in identity management and digital security.

Eval’s Commitment

The union between the companies reinforces Eval’s commitment to offering advanced digital security solutions, ensuring that the Brazilian market is prepared to face the challenges of the current and future technological scenario.

The Eval and Keyfactor partnership represents an important milestone for innovation and information security in Brazil, contributing to a safer and more reliable digital environment for everyone.

About Eval

Eval has been developing projects in the financial, health, education, and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered solutions for Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature, and Data Protection. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With recognized value by the market, Eval’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD (General Law of Data Protection). In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

News and Events

[Retrospectiva] Cybersecurity in 2022: A year of great challenges and opportunities for companies

The year 2022 was quite challenging for companies in Brazil when it comes to Cybersecurity, where the unceasing destructive power of cyber attacks was shown.

With the consolidation of the digital environment as a business environment, cyber attacks have become constant and a big problem for many Brazilian companies. This has led to CEOs, CIOs, and CISO’s needing to understand the challenges and consider assertive solutions to address them.

On our blog, for example, we show in the article “
CiSOs: key areas to protect your company against cyber attacks
“, we showed besides the importance of the role of the Chief information security officer in the organization, we listed key areas that need to be prioritized by companies.

It was quite challenging, but it also brought opportunities for companies to use technology as a means of ensuring security and data protection.

In 2022, companies must be prepared for the new challenges that cybersecurity will bring.

In addition, it is important to explore the advantages of digital certification, which can be an advanced solution in security and data protection.

Why has investing in Cybersecurity become vital in 2022?

Investing in cybersecurity and protection has become strategic to every company’s business, and 2022 was no different. Cybercriminals have evolved rapidly in recent years, making attacks more sophisticated than ever.

The company becomes vulnerable to loss of confidential data, identity theft, or shutdown of operations by a successful malicious attack if it does not adequately protect itself.

It is worth remembering

In practice, we have seen in the course of the year critical incidents for different types of companies. Some stations were invaded, interrupting their daily programs. Google has also been notified of serious security flaws in its Chrome browser that could result in sensitive data being leaked.

In addition, just like Porto Seguro in 2021, Golden Cross also suffered an attack and had to stop its activities to adjust critical flaws in its technology architecture.

It is also worth remembering that the Banco de Brasília (BRB) was a victim of ransomware, where cybercriminals demanded about 50 bitcoins (R$5.17 million) as ransom for the data not to be leaked.

In the article “It may be too late. 79% of companies only invest in cybersecurity after a data breach“, we address how much companies are at risk today and what the best course of action is to avoid a data breach.

For this reason, it is vital that the structure of your business is equipped with the necessary resources to prevent breaches and maintain data security at all times.

A significant way to improve your organization’s security and data protection, adopted by many companies in 2022, is to implement the use of the digital certificate in business processes.

The digital certificate is an authentication mechanism used in many countries that secures the identity of any user and guarantees their privacy. It helps companies protect confidential information from threats and is a secure way to exchange data between partners, customers, and suppliers.

The importance of adopting the digital certificate and the electronic signature

We showed the importance of adopting the digital certificate and electronic signature in the article “
Why your company should consider using electronic signatures in the sales sector
“showing that different market sectors can benefit from the technology.

In addition, adopting other advanced security tools was also a feature that companies adopted this year and should remain a priority in 2023.

Including security features such as firewall, antivirus, and anti-malware systems has proven to be a strategic investment for companies. These tools are designed to detect potential threats before they can do real damage to the company’s operations.

And speaking of security investments, we published the article “
ROI in cybersecurity: How do you quantify the value of something that doesn’t occur?
“, showing the challenge of quantifying the value of something that is practically intangible.

Besides being a very interesting topic, we show in the course of the publication how to calculate the ROI in cybersecurity. This article is well worth a look.

In addition to cybersecurity challenges, companies also had great opportunities for improvement

We reached the end of 2022 not only with the growth of cybercrime and its challenges, we also had many new developments in terms of technological innovation.

We had, for example, the launch of 5G technology, the new generation of mobile wireless technology. It promises more speed with higher data capacity and lower latency, and the ability to connect many devices at the same time. We deal with this subject in the article “
How to extend user security and privacy using authentication in 5G networks

In addition, we have seen over the course of the year the growth in the importance of ESG for companies and its relationship to technology, cybersecurity, and sustainability. It is worth taking a look at what we published in the article “
ESG: 5 different views on sustainability

In fact, this year, after a long period of pandering, we have seen that companies not only need to be ready for digital transformation. They need to be prepared for drastic changes in the business model.

This is what we saw in the article “
How digital agriculture associated with electronic signature is changing Brazilian agricultural production

Much more than preparing for population growth, sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, have seen the need to adapt. This has caused them to seek a new approach that uses technology to improve efficiency and sustainability.

The automation of contracts and chargeback prevention have also shown themselves to be present in this new reality for companies. The digital medium has become the main avenue for new business, hence the importance of pursuing innovation in business processes.

Be sure to take a look at the articles “
Contract automation: security guarantee for your business
” e “
Don’t be the next company to be a victim of Chargeback
“where we deal with these topics.

The year 2022 was also transformational for EVAL

In this retrospective we could not fail to remember what happened to EVAL during the year. A lot has happened, including the remodeling of our brand and the launch of new products and services.

Important milestones have been reached by the “new EVAL”. We consolidated our participation in the Mind The Sec 2022 event in partnership with Thales.

You can even watch our lecture in the article “Mind The Sec: Eval participates in Latin America’s biggest cybersecurity event“where Abilio Branco, Head of Data Protection at Thales – Brazil, showed how to ensure the protection of sensitive data and accelerate compliance in the era of digital transformation.

Let’s not forget that this year EVAL became a member of the PCI Security Standards Council. This means that we now work with PCI SSC to help protect payment data worldwide through the development and adoption of the PCI Security Standards.

This important milestone was portrayed in the article “
EVAL TECHNOLOGY was approved as a member of the PCI Security Standards Council
“. It is well worth taking a look at what this approval represents, not only for EVAL as a company, but for Brazilian companies dealing with payment methods.

A lot has happened in the course of this year regarding cybersecurity, but 2023 promises even more

There is a lot of progress being made in the field of cybersecurity in recent years and EVAL has done its part in this evolutionary process. This means that there is a lot of anticipation for 2023 when the time comes for these emerging technologies to reach Brazilian companies.

To stay competitive in this highly dynamic field, organizations need to invest in proper training for employees involved in cybersecurity-related processes. In addition, it is necessary to implement preventive measures with a focus on the emerging trends presented in this article.

By doing so, companies can be sure that they are prepared to deal with any digital security threat potentially damaging to their reputation or net income in the near future.

About EVAL

EVAL has been developing projects in the financial, health, education and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature and Data Protection solutions. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval safety is value.

Data Protection

Data breach protection: Cybersecurity is not the focus

According to a recent study by Tanium, an American cybersecurity and systems management company, 79% of companies only invest in cybersecurity after a data breach. Which shows that data breach protection is not a priority for many businesses.

This is a worrying statistic, as it leaves companies vulnerable to attack and can cost millions of dollars.

However, there are things that organizations can do to strengthen cybersecurity defenses and prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to companies’ corporate systems.

Data breach protection: why should prevention be a priority in your company?

Data breaches are an increasingly common threat to businesses. With the increasing amount of information stored on corporate systems, cybercriminals have an even greater interest in carrying out attacks.

The consequences of a data breach can be severe. Digital criminals can steal confidential information or damage a company’s reputation.

Therefore, it is critical that data breach protection is a priority for your company.

Also according to the Tanium study, 92% of companies have suffered an attack or data breach, 73% in the last year alone.

The survey shows that criminal cyber activity continues to grow: 92% of respondents admitted to having suffered an attack or data breach, with almost three-quarters (73%) having done so during the past year.

In fact, the situation is getting worse for businesses, with more than two-thirds of respondents (69%) admitting that threats are on the rise and the expectation for 2022 is that there will be the highest number of attacks ever.

Investment in cybersecurity: The best way to avoid a data breach

The best way to ensure protection against data breaches is to take preventive measures. Companies should invest in cybersecurity to strengthen their defenses against attacks.

There are several things that companies can do to protect their data and reduce the chances of a data breach:

Implement data breach protection measures for cyber security

Companies must implement data breach protection measures for their systems and data. These measures include using firewalls, encrypting data, and managing access to systems.

Companies should train their employees on the cybersecurity measures that should be adopted. Employees who are aware of the importance of cybersecurity are less likely to make mistakes that could compromise the security of company data.

Create a business continuity plan

Companies should also have a business continuity plan to ensure that business can continue after a data breach. The plan should include measures to restore lost data and ensure that employees can continue their work without problems.

In addition to the business continuity plan, companies should have a plan for communicating the data breach to customers and other stakeholders. This plan should include a protocol for notifying affected people, as well as a strategy for dealing with the media.

Keep the systems up to date with the latest software versions

This will allow you to benefit from the latest bug fixes and security updates, and make it harder for cybercriminals to exploit old vulnerabilities. Software updates usually include new and better features that make your systems more efficient.

Create a backup strategy to prevent data breaches

Backups are extremely important to recover lost data in the event of a data breach. Having regular backups will allow you to quickly get back to normal after an attack, without compromising business continuity.

Make sure that your backups are protected against unauthorized access and encrypted to prevent attackers from reading them.

Implement encryption solutions

This prevents hackers from accessing or changing your data, even if they manage to obtain it. Encryption is particularly useful for protecting sensitive information such as credit card numbers or financial details.

Encryption is useful for protecting backups and files in transit, such as e-mails. Make sure that all your communication tools are encrypted, including your e-mail server, instant messaging application, and VoIP tools.

Monitor network traffic to detect a data breach

This will allow you to detect suspicious activity on your network and take steps to correct it before it turns into a data breach. Monitoring network traffic can help identify weak points in your system that need to be fixed.

The Future of Data Security

Although cyber threats continue to evolve, companies are becoming more aware of the risks involved and are making investments in cyber security.

The survey showed that 79% of companies have already been a victim of a data breach and that they are willing to invest more in security to prevent future attacks.

Companies are also becoming more aware of the importance of training their employees on cybersecurity risks and how to avoid them.

Data security is a complex issue, but it is important that companies are aware of the risks involved and are willing to invest the time and money necessary to protect their systems.

CipherTrust: Your company’s cybersecurity against data breaches in real time and with secure encryption

is the ideal solution against ransomware attacks. In a simple, comprehensive and effective way, the solution
provides capabilities to secure and control access to databases, files, and containers – and can protect assets located in cloud, virtual, big data, and physical environments.

With CipherTrust, you can protect your company’s data and anonymize your sensitive assets, ensuring security for your company and avoiding future problems with data leakage.

To handle the complexity of where data is stored, CipherTrust Data Security Platform provides strong capabilities to protect and control access to sensitive data in databases, files, and containers. Specific technologies include:

CipherTrust Transparent Encryption

Encrypt data in on-premises, cloud, database, file, and Big Data environments with comprehensive access controls and detailed data access audit logging that can prevent the most malicious attacks.

CipherTrust Database Protection

It provides transparent column-level encryption of structured and confidential data that resides in databases such as credit card, social security numbers, national identification numbers, passwords, and e-mail addresses.

CipherTrust Application Data Protection

It offers APIs for developers to quickly add encryption and other cryptographic functions to their applications, while SecOps controls the encryption keys.

CipherTrust Tokenization

It offers application-level data tokenization services in two convenient solutions that provide customer flexibility – Token without Vault with dynamic policy-based data masking and Tokenization in Vault.

CipherTrust Batch Data Transformation

Provides static data masking services to remove sensitive information from production databases so that compliance and security issues are alleviated when sharing a database with a third party for analysis, testing, or other processing.

CipherTrust Manager

It centralizes keys, management policies, and data access for all CipherTrust Data Security Platform products and is available in FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant physical and virtual formats.

CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager

It offers its own key lifecycle management (BYOK) for many cloud infrastructure, platform, and software-as-a-service providers.

CipherTrust KMIP Server

It centralizes key management for the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) commonly used in storage solutions.

CipherTrust TDE Key Manager

Centralizes key management for encryption found in Oracle, SQL and Always Encrypted SQL.

The portfolio of data protection products that make up the CipherTrust Data Security Platform solution enables companies to protect data at rest and in motion across the entire IT ecosystem and ensures that the keys to this information are always protected and only under your control.

It simplifies data security, improves operational efficiency, and accelerates compliance time. Regardless of where your data resides.

The CipherTrust platform ensures that your data is secure, with a wide range of proven, industry-leading products and solutions for deployment in data centers, either those managed by cloud service providers (CSPs) or managed service providers (MSPs), or as a cloud-based service managed by Thales, a leading security company.

Portfolio of tools that ensure data protection against data breaches

With data protection products from the CipherTrust Data Security Platform, your company can:

Strengthen security and compliance

In addition to ensuring investment in cybersecurity, CipherTrust data protection products and solutions address the demands of a range of security and privacy requirements, including electronic identification, authentication, and trust, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), General Data Protection Law (LGPD)among other compliance requirements.

Optimizes team and resource efficiency in fighting data breaches

CipherTrust Data Security Platform offers the broadest support for data security use cases in the industry, with products designed to work together, a single line for global support, a proven track record of protecting against evolving threats, and the industry’s largest ecosystem of data security partnerships.

With a focus on ease of use, APIs for automation and responsive management, the CipherTrust Data Security Platform solution ensures your investment in cybersecurity by enabling your teams to quickly implement, secure and monitor the protection of your business.

In addition, professional services and partners are available for design, implementation, and training assistance to ensure fast and reliable implementations with minimal staff time.

Reduces total cost of ownership

CipherTrust Data Security Platform’s data protection portfolio offers a broad set of data security products and solutions that can be easily scaled, expanded for new use cases, and have a proven track record of protecting new and traditional technologies.

With CipherTrust Data Security Platform, companies can prepare their cybersecurity investment for the future while reducing operational costs and capital expenditures.

About EVAL

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval safety is value.

Data Protection

Ransomware Clusters: Protect Yourself and Prevent Attacks

Ransomware groups continue to take advantage of vulnerabilities to infect and extort their victims. It is important that individuals and businesses are aware of these vulnerabilities and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from infection.

By knowing what to look for, we can help minimize the chances of falling victim to cybercriminals, ransomware attacks, and all their effects.

In this article, we will discuss how to protect yourself against ransomware group attacks, the dangers of not being prepared, and what to do to protect yourself.

Groups specializing in malware distribution

Ransomware groups are organized criminal gangs that specialize in distributing different types of malware

They often take advantage of old vulnerabilities to infect their victims. This is because many people and companies do not keep their software up to date, leaving it vulnerable to attack.

According to the analysis of ransomware attacks recorded between January and March 2022 by cybersecurity researchers at Digital ShadowsLock Bit 2.0 and Conti were the two most active ransomware gangs during the three-month reporting period, accounting for 58% of all incidents.

Ransomware gangs usually infect a computer using social engineering techniques, such as sending malicious e-mails that contain infected attachments or links.

Once a victim opens the attachment or clicks on the link, the ransomware runs and encrypts the computer’s data. After encrypting the data, the gangs usually demand a ransom in virtual currency to decrypt it.

In addition, ransomware gangs can also infect a computer using exploits and unknown vulnerabilities, also known as Zero-Day attacks.

This is done by exploiting a flaw in the computer’s software that has not yet been fixed by the manufacturer. By doing so, ransomware gangs can gain complete access to the organization’s computer and networks.

Once ransomware has access to a network, it can spread to other computers connected to the network and encrypt the data on all computers.

This makes it even more difficult for an organization to recover its data, as they need to pay ransoms for all infected computers.

Ransomware groups have made their operations professional

As ransomware groups are becoming more professional with their attacks, it is important that individuals and businesses take the necessary precautions to protect themselves. One way to do this is to know what to look for to identify a possible ransomware attack.

Some of the most common vulnerabilities that ransomware groups are exploiting include old exploits in established products such as operating systems and productivity tools.

By keeping them up to date, we can help mitigate the risk of being infected by ransomware.

As ransomware operations have become more complex, they require an increasing range of specialized skills to be executed successfully.

For example, some ransomware groups are recruiting IT professionals to help encrypt their victims’ systems and ensure that the attack is successful.

The groups are increasingly specializing in certain industries to ensure that the victims are willing to pay the ransom.

For example, some ransomware groups are focused on attacking hospitals because they know that these organizations cannot stop functioning and need their systems to operate.

This means it is crucial that companies identify the types of ransomware that are being targeted and take the necessary steps to protect themselves.

In addition, it is important that companies keep a backup of their data so that they can restore their systems if they are infected by ransomware.

Finally, it is also a good idea to educate yourself and others about the dangers of ransomware. By doing so, we can help decrease the chances of being a victim of an attack.



How to protect yourself from ransomware groups

There are a few steps you can take to protect yourself from ransomware groups.

  • First of all, make sure that you have up-to-date security software installed on your computer and that it is running the latest patches;
  • The second step is to be aware of the types of ransomware that exist and the methods they use to infect their victims. This will help you identify an attack if it happens;
  • Third, make sure you have a backup of your data in case you get infected. This way you can restore your systems without having to pay the ransom.

Also, be very careful what files you download and open, especially if they are from unknown or untrusted sources.

If you suspect that you have been infected with ransomware, do not attempt to pay the ransom, as this only encourages the attackers and may not result in the release of your files.

Instead, contact a professional malware removal service or your local authorities for assistance.

By following these simple steps, you can help keep yourself protected against ransomware groups.

Your company’s cybersecurity with real-time data protection and secure encryption

is the ideal solution against ransomware attacks. In a simple, comprehensive and effective way, the solution
provides capabilities to secure and control access to databases, files, and containers – and can protect assets located in cloud, virtual, big data, and physical environments.

With CipherTrust, you can protect your company’s data and anonymize your sensitive assets, ensuring security for your company and avoiding future problems with data leakage.

Eval Professional Services has a team of specialized professionals with the best practices in the market

Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise in information security and compliance with LGPD (General Data Protection Law). We will be your partner for realizing digitization projects in compliance with security and data protection regulations.

We share our expertise across all business flows in healthcare organizations to help you minimize risk, maximize performance, and ensure the data protection your patients and partners expect.

About Eval

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With market recognized value, Eval’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards for public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Data Protection

Security in 5G networks: Extend protection and privacy

The fifth generation of mobile wireless technology (5G), brings more speed, faster communications, and the ability to connect to many more devices at the same time. However, security in 5G networks is still a challenge.

But what does this mean for data protection and privacy?

The fact that 5G supports many different access networks, including 2G, 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi, means that the new technology may inherit all the security challenges of the networks before it.

5G is the first mobile architecture designed to support multiple specific use cases, each with its own unique cybersecurity requirements.

This poses a major security risk in 5G networks.

For example, 5G will enable IoT applications on a massive scale, such as traffic sensors and vehicle-to-infrastructure services, and is the basis for smart cities.

It is critical that cybercriminals cannot access data, hijack IoT devices, or perform distributed denial-of-service attacks in smart city scenarios.

In fact, security in 5G networks is nothing new for the mobile industry. There is a long-standing importance on security, creating a strong market differentiation from other wireless technologies, some of which have vulnerable network architectures.

Security in 5G networks and authentication must go hand in hand

Today’s networks face a wide variety of threats from different sources and attack routes. The quantity and quality of these attacks increase every year as more points of vulnerability become available in networks and devices.

With IoT at scale, the threat surface becomes quite broad, especially when it comes to services, applications, platforms, networks, and the IoT devices themselves.

In practice, cybercriminals understand the vulnerability of threats related to mobility, edge, and network cores, firewalls, and other interfaces present many opportunities for attack.

Each vulnerability point potentially presents several different types of threats, such as message blocking, denial of service, man-in-the-middle techniques, and more, that can attack authentication, integrity, network availability, and privacy.

With so many exposure points and vulnerability threats, security can significantly strain the resources of the 5G network operator

Fortunately, wireless carriers don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The protocols and security specifications in 5G networks are based on and compatible with the main frameworks developed in 4G.

In addition, 5G offers new security features that use multi-network slicing, multi-tier services, and multiple connectivity capabilities.

To enable the necessary flexibility, agility, and economies of scale, these technologies will be delivered through virtual and containerized environments.

This is a revolutionary way of working for the industry.

The development of 5G standards has adopted ‘Secure by Design’ principles, considering:

  • Use of mutual authentication: Confirm that the sender and recipient have an established trust and the end-to-end relationship is guaranteed;
  • An alleged “open” network: removal of any assumption of safety of the overlapping product(s) or process(es);
  • An acknowledgement that all links can be accessed: Enforce encryption of inter/intra-network traffic, ensuring that encrypted information is worthless when intercepted.

While this is a common practice in solutions for other services, such as Internet Banking, it is a major paradigm shift for existing mobile telecommunications practices.

As a consequence, 5G networks should offer the consumer more protection than existing 4G/3G/2G networks.

Security in 5G Networks: Protecting Users and Devices

Security in 5G networks improves the confidentiality and integrity of user and device data.

Unlike previous generations of 5G mobile systems:

  • Protects the confidentiality of messages between the device and the network: as a result, it is no longer possible to trace the user’s equipment using current attack methodologies on the radio interface, protecting against attacks
    man in the middle
  • It introduces a protection mechanism called home control: this means that the final authentication of the device to a visited network is completed after the home network checks the authentication status of the device and the connection used. This enhancement will prevent various types of fraud that have historically harmed carriers and address the carrier’s need to properly authenticate devices to services;
  • Supports unified authentication in other types of access networks: allowing 5G networks to manage previously unmanaged and unsecured connections. This includes the ability to perform re-authentication when the device moves between different access or service networks;
  • Introduces user plan integrity checking: ensuring that user traffic is not modified during transit;
  • Enhances privacy protection by using public/private key pairs to hide the subscriber’s identity and derive keys used throughout the service architecture. to hide the subscriber identity and derive keys used throughout the service architecture.

The goal of 5G is to open up the network to a broader set of services and allow mobile operators to support these services. It is an opportunity to protect services and consumers from many of today’s threats.

In practice, 5G comes with many built-in security controls by design, designed to enhance the protection of individual consumers and mobile networks, this is more effective than post-deployment add-ons or extras.

The advancement of technology and the use of new architectures and features, such as network slicing, virtualization, and cloud, will introduce new threats that require new types of controls to be implemented.

Ericsson and Thales partner to offer a solution for secure 5G authentication and user privacy

One of the key components of a reliable 5G network is the integrity of the virtualized infrastructure and the confidentiality of the data flowing within it.

Protecting and authenticating subscriber authentication and privacy presents several challenges, including infrastructure complexity, the distributed nature of 5G networks, the large number of connected IoT devices, the use of multi-vendor networks, and the evolution of 3G and 4G connections.

Ericsson announced its solution

Authentication Security Module

to enhance user privacy security, based on a dedicated physical module for central management of authentication procedures in 5G Core networks.

The solution is powered by the Thales 5G Luna Hardware Security Module (HSM).

The Ericsson Authentication Security Module is a unique solution that supports multi-access (3G/4G/5G) and is pre-integrated with Ericsson’s dual-mode 5G Core for efficiency and reliable deployment flexibility.

The solution is 3GPP compliant, increases network security against cyber attacks, and provides a more secure ecosystem for 5G use cases and business innovation.

To provide the highest level of performance and security for cryptographic keys and algorithms, Ericsson’s solution is powered by the trusted root of the Thales 5G Luna Hardware Security Module (HSM).

The outstanding performance of the FIPS-140-2 Level 3 compliant 5G Luna HSM meets the security, high throughput, and scalability requirements for 5G.

Thales has introduced the 5G Luna Hardware Security Module (HSM) to help Communication Service Providers (CSP) address security challenges.

The 5G Luna HSM delivers up to 1,660 transactions per second (tps) with a single HSM and a PKI hardware-based root of trust, enabling fast and secure scaling from the data center to the edge.

All encryption and encryption key storage, generation and management operations are performed within the secure confines of the 5G Luna HSM, ensuring the protection of subscriber identities, including user equipment, radio area networks (RANs), and your core network infrastructure.


Ericsson and Thales partnership benefits

The Ericsson Authentication Security Module and the Thales 5G Luna HSM offer a wide range of benefits for organizations operating in a jurisdiction of strict privacy requirements. These benefits include:

  • React quickly to threats by implementing agile encryption, alternative means of encryption;
  • Prepare your organization for the future by implementing quantum secure algorithms;
  • Added security for your organization’s users and data today and in the future.

With the growing relevance of 5G networks in the communications infrastructure, regulatory frameworks to protect user security and privacy are likely to become even stricter.

By integrating an HSM (hardware security module) based security into leading 5G subscriber data management solutions and service providers will be able to meet the most stringent requirements.

What makes the Thales Luna HSM solution the best option for your company’s needs?

Thales Hardware Security Modules provide the highest level of security by always storing cryptographic keys in hardware.

In addition, they provide a secure encryption foundation, as the keys never leave the FIPS-validated, intrusion-resistant, tamper-proof device.

Since all cryptographic operations take place inside the HSM, strong access controls prevent unauthorized users from accessing confidential cryptographic material.

In addition, Thales also implements operations that make deploying secure HSMs as easy as possible, and our HSMs are integrated with the Thales Crypto Command Center for fast and easy partitioning, reporting, and monitoring of cryptographic resources.

Thales’ HSMs follow strict design requirements and must pass rigorous product verification tests, followed by real-world application testing to verify the security and integrity of each device.

Thales’ HSMs are cloud agnostic and are the HSM of choice for Microsoft, AWS and IBM, providing a hardware security module service that dedicates a single tenant device located in the cloud for the customer’s cryptographic processing and storage needs.

With Thales hardware security modules, you can:

  • Addressing compliance requirements with solutions for Blockchain, General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and Open banking, IoT, innovation initiatives such as the Central Bank of Brazil’s Pix, and prominent certifications such as PCI DSS, digital signatures, DNSSEC, hardware key storage, transactional acceleration, certificate signing, code or document signing, mass key generation, and data encryption;
  • The keys are generated and always stored in an intrusion-resistant, tamper-proof, FIPS-validated device with the strongest levels of access control;
  • Create partitions with a dedicated Security Office per partition and segregate by administrator key separation;

Therefore, Thales Luna HSMs have been implementing best practices in hardware, software, and operations that make deploying HSMs as easy as possible.

Thales Luna HSMs meet stringent design requirements and must pass rigorous product verification testing, followed by real-world application testing to verify the safety and integrity of each device.

Make the best choice

HSMs are built to protect cryptographic keys. Large banks or corporate offices often operate a variety of HSMs simultaneously.

Key management systems control and update these keys according to internal security policies and external standards.

A centralized key management design has the advantage of streamlining key management and providing the best overview for keys in many different systems.

Learn more about Thales HSM

The encryption keys are literally the key to accessing the organization’s data. They protect an organization’s most sensitive information, so the system that generates and stores it must be protected at all costs.

The Thales Luna HSM not only provides the best physical security, it is usually located at the heart of a company’s secure data center, but also ensures that the stored keys are never tampered with.

Unless you have an environment where a physical data center is not available, adopt an HSM appliance to secure the organization’s encryption keys and leave virtualized services for the rest of your infrastructure, and take comfort in knowing your encrypted connections and data are always secure.

About Eval

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Data Protection

What to do in the event of a data breach?

The information most compromised in a data breach is personal. For example, credit card numbers, social security numbers and medical records. Corporate information includes customer lists, manufacturing processes and software source code.

Unauthorized access to this information characterizes a clear data breach, resulting in identity theft or violation of compliance requirements vis-à-vis the government or regulatory sectors. Incidents like this lead to companies facing fines and other civil litigation, not to mention the loss of money and credibility.

The problem is that any company can suffer cyber attacks these days. No matter how many preventive actions are taken, the big question that arises – and which should be a priority for organizations of different sizes and sectors – is: what to do in the event of a data breach?

Recently there was a huge leak in which data from approximately 800 million email accounts was stolen. By the way, if you want to check whether your email data has also been stolen, go to:

Main causes of data breaches

It’s common to think of a data breach as someone attacking a corporate website and stealing confidential information. However, not everything happens that way.

However, it only takes an unauthorized employee to view a customer’s personal information on an authorized computer screen to constitute a data breach.

Data is stolen or breached for various reasons:

  • Weak passwords;
  • Software patches that are exploited;
  • Stolen or lost computers and mobile devices.
  • Users who connect to unauthorized wireless networks;
  • Social engineering, especially phishing e-mail attacks;
  • Malware infections.

Criminals can use the credentials obtained through their attacks to enter confidential systems and records – access that often goes undetected for months, if not indefinitely.

In addition, attackers can target their attacks through business partners to gain access to large organizations. Such incidents usually involve hackers compromising less secure companies in order to gain access to the main target.

Prevention is still the best medicine

Ensuring a completely secure environment is a major challenge.

Today we have various resources and technologies that can considerably minimize the risk of attacks. However, this is a very dynamic environment in different aspects that make cyber attacks possible. Prevention is therefore the best way forward.

In short, the most reasonable means of preventing data breaches involve security practices and common sense. This includes well-known basics:

  • Carry out continuous vulnerability and penetration tests;
  • Apply malware protection;
  • Use strong passwords;
  • Apply the necessary software patches to all systems;
  • Use encryption on confidential data.

Additional measures to prevent breaches and minimize their impact include well-written security policies for employees, as well as ongoing training to promote them.

In addition, there must be an incident response plan that can be implemented in the event of an intrusion or breach. It needs to include a formal process for identifying, containing and quantifying a security incident.

How to Deal with the Consequences of a Data Breach

Considering that a data breach can happen in any company and at any time, an action plan is the best tactic.

The most basic problem is that people still don’t see cyber attacks as inevitable. After all, they believe their defenses are good enough or they don’t think they’ll be targeted.

Another problem is that organizations don’t understand the true value of effective incident response plans. It can take weeks for them to understand what has happened.

The recommended steps during a data breach are:

  • Identifying what happens;
  • Meeting of all related sectors;
  • Getting things under control;
  • Reduced side effects;
  • External communication management;
  • Recovery of business operations;
  • Identification of lessons learned;
  • Process improvement.

The priority is to stop the breach of confidential data, thus ensuring that all the necessary resources are available to prevent any further loss of information.


Understand what happened – how the attackers got in or how the data was leaked – and also make sure there is no leak.

Knowing what your situation is, defining the position to adopt and being able to take the necessary actions from that position are the first steps to take.


Did the strikers come from outside? Ensuring that nothing else leaves the company should also be one of the initial stages of incident response. The next actions will be carried out from this point.


Deal with the problem by focusing on removing and restoring the affected systems.

Ensure that steps are taken to remove malicious material and other illicit content, for example by performing a complete hard disk recreation and scanning the affected systems and files with anti-malware software.


The next step is to align the discourse when it comes to external communication.

The IT policy must include care related to social networks and the organization’s other communication channels. After all, all the information related to the problem should come out of one place, always aligned with the actions taken by the company.

It is very common these days to include the organization’s legal department in communication issues and in dealing with situations with clients and official bodies.

On the saferweb website, which is a civil association focused on promoting and defending human rights on the Internet in Brazil, you can find a list of cybercrime police stations where you can file a complaint.

In addition to official bodies, remember to notify those affected by the leak, whether they are employees, suppliers or even customers.

Finally, don’t forget that the General Data Protection Act (LGPD) also deals with this issue.

Lessons learnedfrom the Data Breach

If your company can solve the data breach problem and recover quickly, then it is on the right track to restoring business and minimizing the impact.

However, in some cases, the problem reaches the press and takes on greater proportions, affecting the company’s reputation and business.

Follow our tips and the examples of other organizations that have faced similar situations in order to understand what went wrong and make sure you have the best tactics to avoid a recurrence.

Another important tip is to subscribe to our newsletter and keep up to date with the latest news!

About Eval

EVAL has been developing projects in the financial, health, education and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature and Data Protection solutions. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.