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Electronic Signature

Eval wins award with electronic signature solution

Photo of the Health Leaders Award given by Grupo Mídia.
Eval Digital won the Health Leaders Award in the IT Complementary Systems category. Marking once again its efficiency in Electronic Signature in Health.

With increasing digitalization in the healthcare sector, innovative technological solutions are becoming essential to improve efficiency and guarantee information security.

Eval Digital, a pioneer in Electronic Signature technology, was recognized as one of the leaders in the IT – Complementary Systems category by the prestigious Health Leaders award, presented by Grupo Mídia.

The award ceremony will take place on June 6th at the Palácio Tangará in São Paulo. Marcelo Tiziano (Support Director), Murilo Fernandes (Commercial Director) and Juliana Makimi (Human Resources Director) will receive this award on behalf of Eval.

Eval Digital’s trajectory of more than two decades has been marked by an incessant search for innovative and technologically advanced solutions for the healthcare sector.

From the outset, the company stood out for its pioneering vision in the application of electronic signatures in systems such as the Electronic Patient Record (EPP), recognizing the critical importance of data security and integrity in the medical environment.

Over the years, we have consolidated our position as a leader in this field and expanded our solutions to a variety of sectors, including education, industry and government.

Winning the Healthcare Leaders Award validates Eval’s ongoing dedication to process safety and efficiency and highlights its position as one of the main drivers of digital transformation in the sector.

A journey that began more than two decades ago and continues to shape the future of healthcare.

Health Leaders Award

The Health Leaders Award has been presented since 2013 and is widely recognized as the highest tribute to companies and professionals from various segments of the health sector production chain, including industries, suppliers, distributors and operators.

The ceremony celebrates the achievements of the award-winning companies during the 12 months preceding the event. The winners are selected by Grupo Mídia’s editorial board, based on market research and votes open to the public via the awards’ official website.

Award categories

The Health Leaders Award is divided into several categories, reflecting the diversity and complexity of the sector. These categories include:

Supplementary Health
This category recognizes health operators and insurers who demonstrate excellence in service and innovation.

Equipment Industry
This group includes companies that produce high-tech medical and hospital equipment.

Includes pharmaceutical companies that excel in the production of medicines and therapeutic solutions.

Diagnostic Industry
: Recognizes contributions to the field of medical examinations and diagnostics.

IT and Innovation
: Focused on companies that offer technological solutions, such as Eval Digital, that drive improvements in the health sector.

Hospital Management
: Aimed at hospital managers who are implementing innovative practices in their institutions.

Philanthropy and Social Responsibility
Awards organizations that make a significant contribution to social welfare and community health.

: Highlights personalities and new businesses that bring transformative ideas to the healthcare market.

Teaching and Research
: For institutions and individuals who contribute to the advancement of health knowledge.

Sectoral References:
Praises professionals and entities that are references in their specific areas in the health sector.

Digital Transformation and Electronic Signature

Our Electronic Signature solution works with the main certificates on the market: Bird ID, V Cert, Vidas, SafeID and Cert Sign. It is also approved by the Brazilian Society of Health Informatics(SBIS) as a tool for digital solutions.

Implementing this technology promotes compliance with data protection and privacy standards, optimizes processes, reduces costs and substantially improves patient care.

Electronic signature tool for healthcare can be integrated with the main tools on the market. The image shows the logos of mevo, amplimed, totvs and others.

Electronic Signature: Benefits

An e-signature API gateway solution, offering easy integration, security and total efficiency. A more efficient and secure way of handling documents and contracts, complying withregulatory requirements and ensuring legal validity.

With access to an innovative and versatile technological platform, it can be integrated with systems for generating qualified electronic signatures and digital seals in hybrid form.

Perfect Fit for Any Business

We offer flexible plans for companies of all sizes, guaranteeing solutions adapted to the specific needs of each client

Solution approved by SBIS as a digital signature tool

Digital signature tool approved by SBIS, guaranteeing compliance and security.

Simple and effective integration

API gateway in Azure for fast and efficient integration, guaranteeing immediate benefits from the electronic signature.

Different segments

We serve various sectors: health for secure reports, education for document management, industry for process optimization, finance for secure transactions and legal for efficient contract signing.

Continuous Innovation: Generative AI Platform for the Hospital Sector

Looking to the future and in the spirit of constant innovation, after 20 years of success, Eval Digital has expanded its solutions with a
Generative AI platform, Evaldo.IA

For the healthcare sector, this new tool aims not only to increase operational efficiency, but also diagnostics. Evaldo processes large volumes of medical data in seconds, providing preliminary diagnoses that can be crucial in emergency situations.

In patient management, it automates scheduling, follow-up and even communication with patients, allowing healthcare professionals to focus on what really matters: saving lives.

Thanks to Grupo Mídia, Eval’s Clients and Employees

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Grupo Mídia for this honorable distinction and, above all, to the clients whose trust and vote were crucial to this achievement .

This victory is ours, together with the clients who have accompanied us throughout this two-decade journey, always believing in and investing in our solutions.

We couldn’t have achieved this without the effort and dedication of each and every one of our employees. The Eval Digital team deserves thanks for its commitment to every successful project and every innovative solution we offer our clients.

Banner with text: Eval Digital Security is value. Electronic Signature

Digital Signature

Digital Signature: a mandatory requirement in the New TISS Standard 04.01.00 for healthcare providers and operators

The National Agency for Supplementary Health (ANS) recently announced the implementation of the new TISS Standard 04.01.00, which includes the requirement for a digital signature for all healthcare providers and operators.

This change represents an important milestone in the industry, bringing greater security, reliability, and efficiency to health-related processes and the protection and privacy of patient data.

In this article, we will discuss relevant points of this requirement regarding digital signature adoption, the benefits and challenges, and how Eval, a company specializing in digital signature solutions, can help with this transition.

Digital Signature in TISS 04.01.00: mandatory requirement for security and compliance in the healthcare sector

Before we review the concept of digital signature, it is worth highlighting the requirement established by the National Agency of Supplementary Health (ANS) for the adoption of digital signature in the new TISS 04.01.00 standard.

This requirement seeks to guarantee the security, authenticity, and integrity of the information exchanged between healthcare providers and carriers.

The implementation of the digital signature, in practice, brings significant benefits for those involved, while also representing a challenge for the adequacy of the processes and systems used by health institutions.

About digital signature

As a cryptographic technology, the digital signature allows the verification of the authenticity and integrity of digital documents, ensuring that their content, as well as the sender, is legitimate and has not been tampered with.

In addition, the digital signature has legal validity, ensuring that digitally signed documents have the same legal value as manually signed physical documents.

By adopting the digital signature in TISS 04.01.00, healthcare providers and operators ensure not only compliance with ANS requirements, but also reap a number of benefits that directly impact their operations and relationships.

Benefits of Digital Signature for healthcare providers and operators

The adoption of the digital signature in the new TISS Standard 04.01.00 brings several benefits for healthcare providers and operators:

  1. Increased security and reduced fraud:

With the use of advanced cryptography and digital certificates, the digital signature ensures the authenticity and inalterability of the exchanged documents, minimizing the risk of fraud and leakage of sensitive patient information.

  1. Improving operational efficiency:

The adoption of digital signatures speeds up information exchange processes, reduces the paperwork associated with manual verification of authenticity and signatures, and eliminates the need for physical documents, resulting in savings of time and resources.

  1. Greater trust between those involved:

The use of the digital signature strengthens the trust between providers, operators, and healthcare institutions, since it guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the information exchanged and increases the credibility of the parties involved.

  1. Transparency and Traceability:

The digital signature promotes greater transparency and traceability in information exchange processes, since each document has an encrypted record that can be traced and verified, facilitating auditing and process control.

  1. Agility in conflict resolution:

The guarantee of authenticity and integrity provided by the digital signature facilitates the resolution of disputes between those involved, allowing faster and more efficient decision-making.

Overcoming Challenges and Impacts of Digital Signature Implementation in TISS 04.01.00

While the adoption of the digital signature in TISS 04.01.00 brings numerous benefits to healthcare providers and operators, it can pose challenges and impacts that must be considered and managed.

We will analyze the main challenges and impacts involved in implementing digital signatures, offering insights on how to overcome them and ensure a successful transition.

Technological adaptation

The implementation of digital signature requires the adoption of new technologies and IT infrastructures.

Healthcare providers and operators must invest in systems and solutions compatible with the new standard, ensuring efficient integration with existing processes.

To overcome this challenge, it is essential to count on specialized partners, such as Eval, that can provide technical support and guidance during the transition.

Training and qualification of collaborators

The move to digital signature requires employees in healthcare institutions to understand and adapt to the new processes and tools.

It is essential to invest in training and qualification, ensuring that everyone is able to use the new technologies and contribute to the efficiency and safety of the processes.

Raising awareness about the importance of digital security

The implementation of digital signature demands a change in organizational culture, emphasizing the importance of digital security and proper handling of patient information.

Providers and carriers should promote awareness among their employees and establish clear policies and procedures to ensure compliance with standards and regulations.

Cost and investment management

The transition to digital signature may generate additional costs related to technology acquisition, training, and support.

However, it is necessary to consider the long-term benefits provided by digital signatures, such as reduced operating costs, increased efficiency, and security.

Planning and managing investments effectively is crucial to minimize financial impacts and ensure a positive return.

Regulatory monitoring and compliance

ANS establishes specific rules and deadlines for the implementation of digital signature in TISS 04.01.00 (
extended until d
of 2023
). Healthcare providers and operators must closely follow and monitor regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and avoiding penalties and fines.

By proactively addressing these challenges and impacts and relying on the support of expert partners such as Eval, providers and carriers can ensure a successful implementation of the digital signature in TISS 04.01.00. In this way, they will reap the benefits of improved security, efficiency, and compliance.

Eval can help with transition to new TISS Standard 04.01.00

Eval is a company specialized in digital signature solutions, with extensive experience in the healthcare industry and ANS standards.

With our expertise, we can help healthcare providers and carriers adapt to the new TISS Standard 04.01.00 by offering:

  • Consulting and planning
    We assist you in developing an action plan for digital signature implementation, analyzing the current scenario, and defining appropriate strategies.

  • Customized Solutions
    : we develop digital signature solutions adapted to the specific needs of each client, ensuring integration with existing systems.

  • Support and training
    : We offer ongoing training and support for the team, ensuring that all professionals are able to use the digital signature solutions efficiently and securely.

  • Monitoring and compliance
    : we closely monitor the evolution of regulations in the sector and update our solutions to ensure compliance with the standards set by the ANS.

Digital signature: an important step towards modernization and security in the healthcare sector

The requirement for a digital signature in the new TISS Standard 04.01.00 represents a fundamental step towards modernization and security in the healthcare sector.

To meet the challenges of this transition and ensure compliance, it is critical to have the support of a specialized company like Eval.

Don’t leave it to the last minute, start the process of implementing the digital signature in your organization now and be prepared for the changes to come.

Contact Eval today.

About Eval

EVAL has been developing projects in the financial, health, education, and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered solutions for Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature, and Data Protection. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Electronic Signature

Electronic signature on prescription: is it true?

With the advancement of technology, many physicians are now opting to use electronic signatures. electronic on the prescription instead of handwritten signatures. This helps speed up patient care and makes healthcare procedures more efficient.

However, there have been cases where patients have received prescriptions with fake digital signatures. This often puts not only the patient’s health at risk, but also casts doubt on the benefits of using the subscription electronic on prescription.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In addition to explaining the importance of using digital signatures on medical prescriptions, we will present some tips on how to check if an electronic signature is valid. electronic is valid or not.

The importance of electronic signature on prescription

In a world where we increasingly conduct our lives online, it makes sense that aspects of our routines are also digitized.

We use digital devices to communicate, work and even play. It’s no surprise then that the healthcare sector has also embraced the technology. One way to do this is through the use of digital prescriptions.

The benefits of having an electronic in the prescription are numerous. Firstly, the medical prescription becomes more secure than the paper version.

With a physical version it is easy to forge a doctor’s signature. However, with a signature electronic in revenue, this becomes much more difficult to happen.

In addition, the electronic of the signature helps speed up the process of obtaining or retrieving a prescription.

Instead of another visit to the doctor’s office if it is lost or forgotten, or waiting for it to be sent by email or post, a pharmacy can simply access the prescription online.

It is also worth noting that the electronic on prescriptions can also help reduce the number of medical errors.

As a result, the electronic is an important tool that can improve the safety and efficiency of the healthcare system, as well as the potential to save time and money.

Why you shouldn’t be afraid of e-signatures on prescriptions

With the increasing use of prescriptions in digital format, it is natural that there is a debate or even distrust about this new method of prescription.

An electronic on the prescription, where the security prerequisites are properly met, gives the patient a very strong reason to believe that the prescription was created by a known sender and that it has not been altered in transit.

The main features of a secure digital prescription are as follows:

1. The prescription with an signature is an electronic document containing an image of the doctor’s signature.

This signature image is created using a process called encryption, a process that transforms data into a format that can only be read by authorized persons.

2. The prescription with an electronic is valid throughout Brazil. It has the same legal value as a traditional medical prescription, signed on paper.

In addition, the prescription cannot be changed without a record of that change.

3. The prescription with an electronic is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. After this period, it will cease to exist and cannot be used to obtain medicines.

In many countries, including Brazil, an electronic signature electronic is legally binding and has the same effect as a handwritten version. The use of digital signatures on medical prescriptions is an important step towards ensuring patient safety.

By requiring prescriptions to be electronically signed, we can be sure that they have not been tampered with and are from a legitimate source. This will help ensure that patients receive the correct medication and dosage and will also help protect them from fraudulent activity.

Learn about the advantages of electronic signature for Brazilian companies


How do I know if a prescription with an electronic signature is genuine?

The prescription with an electronic can be verified in several ways.

  • One of the ways is to check if the certificate of the doctor who is signing the prescription is valid and if it is registered with the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM).
  • Another way to verify the authenticity of the prescription is to check if the doctor’s CRM number is present on the prescription.
  • You can also contact your doctor to confirm that he or she has actually issued the prescription.
  • In addition, it is essential to check that the data on the prescription, such as the patient’s name and address, are correct.
  • If there is any doubt, you can also ask the pharmacist to confirm the authenticity of the prescription.

One of the ways to verify the signature on the prescription is through
the official Digital Document Validator website
, created by the National Institute of Information Technology (ITI). It offers free access to health professionals.

To do this, you must have the digital prescription file in PDF format that can be sent to the pharmacy by cell phone message, email or other electronic means. Then simply upload the file to the website.

In this way, you can be sure that the prescription is genuine and that the medicine prescribed by the doctor can be obtained at the pharmacy.

Madics Sign: Integrated electronic signature and digital prescription system for health management

The Madics Sign solution, integrated with the use of a digital certificate, allows the application of electronic signatures in health management systems, in the digitization of documents and in the digital prescription of medicines.

Eval Madics Sign is the application set up to use the free CFM digital certificate. In addition, it supports systems such as: MV, TASY, MEMED, NEXODATA and all relevant integrations.

Madics Sign¸ the ideal solution for managing digital medical records. It combines advanced and qualified electronic signatures, to be used according to the hospital’s needs.

Compatible with certificates from any ICP-Brasil certificate authority (CA), it is a versatile and transparent system for medical records and operation.

With it, the hospital will eliminate the expense of paper records.

The MADICS Sign solution offers the necessary resources to adopt the model in compliance with resolution 2299 from its APIs for generating qualified and also advanced electronic signatures, using ICP-Brasil certificates, which allows managing and authorizing all electronic signature keys and certificates in the market in order to serve multiple Certifying Authorities.

Offered by Eval, MADICS Sign is an electronic signature solution integrated with the electronic patient record (EPR) that helps healthcare organizations eliminate paper in their medical processes and in the use of digital prescriptions and medical certificates.

MADICS Sign is the easiest way to eliminate paper from the hospital, improving collaboration between the doctors, nurses and multi staff, creating an amazing experience.

Considered the most suitable solution for eliminating the printed medical record, MADICS Sign is supported by current legislation on the legal validity of digitally signed electronic documents and the resolutions regulating the Brazilian digital certification infrastructure and the use of digital certificates in the Health sector.

The solution enables user authentication integrated with the medical record system. The hospital or its representative digitally seals the medical record and the authentication record of the healthcare professional, ensuring the unalterability of the medical record and authentication, generating a third-party verifiable evidence.

In addition, MADICS Sign is a hybrid system that maintains the ICP-Brasil digital signature, transparent to the medical record system and operation. The hospital can keep part of the users digitally signed according to its evaluation.

How much time is your staff wasting handling paper documents? For many hospitals, the answer is: “We don’t know”..

While there has been a shift in recent years towards digitization of healthcare processes, such as the use of simple online intake forms or the implementation of systems like the electronic patient record (EPR), many practices still struggle with paper-based workflows.

This can include paper documentation being physically passed between team members, or even non-automated software solutions such as sending an Excel file by email, for example.

Many of these processes can (and should) be digitized and automated, if not for the sake of convenience, but for another important reason: cost.

Paper-based workflow systems can cost your clinic thousands of dollars annually, without you even knowing it.

In the US, for example, the use of paper forms costs $120 billion a year.

For clinics, most paper waste comes from patient files, admission forms and other paper processes related to patient care as well as administrative work.

While in practice the PEP has mitigated some paper waste in clinics, this has simply not been enough. In fact, demand for paper is expected to double before 2030.

Deliver exceptional signing experiences and streamline medical record signing with MADICS Sign. It is the easiest way to automate WBS workflows. Use MADICS Sign and eliminate a good amount of paper and headache.

About Eval

Eval is the pioneer in eSignature and the only one with a special dedication to healthcare. Our solutions are fully customized for hospitals, clinics, laboratories and operators. In addition to other markets such as finance, education and industry.

Our product portfolio offers several benefits, among them: electronic signature of patient records meeting all legal requirements, cost reduction, high performance and the definitive elimination of paper with the electronic health patient record.

Eval has been offering technology that transforms the health area for over 18 years, specializing in digital transformation, eliminating paper in hospitals, clinics, laboratories and operators, as well as in data protection for this segment.

Eval Security is value

Digital Signature

Electronic signature with institution seal

We did an article talking about the basic electronic signature and in it we explain that, despite the advantages, it does not offer good levels of information security and legal validity, although of course it has a more acceptable usability from the user’s point of view.

Today we will cover a safer way to use this technology. The electronic signature with the institution’s seal (or third-party seal) is very similar to other electronic signature models, but offers greater security.

It works as follows: The user signs the document with a basic electronic signature, authenticated electronic signature, or even a behavioral signature; after that, a digital signature is applied by a third party, which must be a trusted institution. This part can be done by the institution where you work, such as a bank, a brokerage house or a university, for example.

At the end of the signing process, both the document and the user’s electronic signature are signed with the institution’s digital certificate. In this way, the template ensures security for the authentication of the signer and the document, as well as linking both.

Electronic signature with digital signature of the institution

The greatest guarantee lies in the fact that the institution needs a digital signature to perform the process, as well as a digital certificate. The digital signature is a more secure model of electronic signature, and the digital certificate works as a kind of identity card in the virtual world.

In this way, the electronic signature with the institution’s digital signature is able to provide information about:

  • Identification of the person who made the signature;
  • The date and time when the signature was made;
  • Integrity, in which the document cannot be altered without being noticed, since it is protected by the digital signature of a third party;
  • The collection of the same data collected in the authenticated electronic signature.

More points on one important issue: safety

As we have shown above, usually the service provider also authenticates the user, and for this it can use either simple or two-factor authentication. All these processes ensure the integrity of the file, thus making it impossible to alter it without leaving marks.

Even the user’s electronic signature can be signed, which we call authentication. However, it is necessary for a third party to verify the authentication, such as a query of the authenticator’s service history.

Finally, another relevant aspect of the security of electronic signatures with a third-party seal is that if the solution is not implemented correctly, it can lead to legal problems. After all, both the electronic signature and the institution’s digital signature alone do not guarantee the level of security and legal validity required in more stringent situations. Always remembering that it is the institution’s legal department that must decide if the signature model meets the legal requirements to be used in each of the institution’s businesses. Therefore an institution can use several subscription models.

So what is the legal validity of the electronic signature with the institution’s seal?

It can be well accepted in juries, but it is important that the person offering the solution has a history with a good level of detail and security against tampering, i.e. has data integrity and is auditable.

However, there is a point of attention! If the company providing your signature solution closes its doors, or you decide to stop working with it, the legal evidence of the documents you sign can be rendered worthless and unrecoverable. So before you choose a company, make sure you know what happens to those records if the service is no longer provided. In other words, it must have an acceptable level of interoperability that guarantees future validation.

What to expect from usability?

For end users, the electronic signature with a third-party seal works in the same way as the authenticated electronic signature model. After all, the service provider’s signature is added automatically. By the way, documents can be signed from anywhere and at any time, which makes it very easy to use.

Conheça as vantagens da assinatura eletrônica para empresas brasileiras

Good communication with other devices and software

The electronic signature with the institution’s seal can be recognized and validated more easily than conventional digital signatures. In this type of solution, you can see data from the electronic signature as well as information about the digital signature of the institution, as if it were a dossier, or even a summary of the evidence of the signature made by the professional, facilitating the understanding of all involved.

What to expect for adoption and usage costs

Here we have a good advantage. This model does not require devices such as readers or specific software for the end user.

Another advantage of the electronic signature with the institution’s seal is that no digital certificate is required per user. This can be advantageous for certain types of businesses. So always check with the legal department to see if this subscription model fits the business you want to apply. S

Summary of the conversation

The electronic signature with the institution’s seal is capable of ensuring reasonable levels of security and legal validity, but for this it needs to be offered with secure processes and procedures for user authentication, integrity, and management of transaction histories. To add more security it is possible to identify the signer in a specific way.

In short, it is interesting to identify and protect each user’s signature to ensure the integrity of what each signer has found in the document. Information such as the date and time the document was signed is very good to give more strength to the signatures made.

Electronic signatures with the institution’s seal can also be time-stamped, but this makes them more expensive to adopt.

Additionally, it is worth remembering what MP 2200 says that regulates electronic signatures in Brazil. In particular Art 10, para 2 “The provisions of this Provisional Measure do not prevent the use of another means of proving authorship and integrity of documents in electronic form, including those using certificates not issued by ICP-Brasil, provided that it is admitted by the parties as valid or accepted by the person to whom the document is opposed.”.

Finally, always consult yourinstitution’s legal departmentfor help in defining which electronic/digital signature model you should use for each of your company’s businesses and thus help accelerate your company’s digital transformation.

About Eval

A EVAL está a mais de 18 anos desenvolvendo projetos nos segmentos financeiro, saúde, educação e indústria, Desde 2004, oferecemos soluções de Autenticação, Assinatura Eletrônica e Digital e Proteção de Dados. Atualmente, estamos presente nos principais bancos brasileiros, instituições de saúde, escolas e universidades, além de diferentes indústrias.

Com valor reconhecido pelo mercado, as soluções e serviços da EVAL atendem aos mais altos padrões regulatórios das organizações públicas e privadas, tais como o SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, e a LGPD. Na prática, promovemos a segurança da informação e o compliance, o aumento da eficiência operacional das empresas, além da redução de custos.

Inove agora, lidere sempre: conheça as soluções e serviços da Eval e leve sua empresa para o próximo nível.

Eval, segurança é valor.

Digital Signature

What is the legal value of an electronic signature?

In the past, many people were reluctant to use electronic documents or signatures, questioning their legal validity and ability to use them as evidence in court cases or other legal contexts.

Here in this text the idea is to approach a little of what we have seen in these years, since the MP2200 that gave legal validity to electronic signatures. The idea in this article is a look at a technology company, so we will cover some signature models to help you in the process of defining a type of e-signature that fits well for every business in your institution.

Consulte o departamento jurídico

It is worth remembering that you should always consult with the legal department to find out what type of electronic signature should be used for each business in your organization.

Having made these initial considerations, let’s get to it. In most Western countries this reluctance to use electronic signatures is already unnecessary, as legislation has been updated to recognize electronic documents and signatures. In other words, it cannot be denied legal effect, enforceability, or admissibility as evidence in legal proceedings just because they are in electronic format.

To get an idea of the impact of electronic signatureIn the US the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, and other (state) laws also regulate in this regard.

Here in Brazil it could be no different. Through Provisional Measure No. 2200 of August 24, 2001, almost 19 years ago, which established the Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure, the ICP-Brasil, the authenticity, integrity, and legal validity of documents in electronic form, support applications, and enabled applications that use digital certificates, as well as secure electronic transactions were guaranteed.

Additionally, he also talks about other forms of electronic signatures without the need for digital certificates, which add value to the business, so it is important that the legal area of the institution validates which electronic signature model should be used in each case.

In addition, we have the Civil Code and the National Tax Code that also serve as the legal basis for the use of the electronic signature in electronic transactions.

E-signatures represent one of the biggest opportunities to start doing digital business

What is an electronic signature? This is a signature made electronically using information systems, in which there are several types, among the best known:

  • Digital Signature ICP-Brasil;
  • Digital Signature;
  • Electronic signature with third-party seal;
  • Behavioral e-signature;
  • Authenticated electronic signature;
  • Basic electronic signature;

Most of them seek to identify the author of the action, others furthermore seek the integrity of the data, and finally, the most secure one also seeks a mechanism that guarantees non-repudiation.

So we are sharing with you different types of existing subscriptions for you to learn about, helping you with the choice of the best alternative – be it your institution. Our goal is to explain and help, not to set absolute rules. Because there may be specific legislation, rules and/or standards for different specializations, performances, and documents to be signed.

Thus, this guide does not assume that it is necessary to choose only one type of signature in the institution; several types of signature can coexist in the same infrastructure, responding to different types of needs and documents, providing a secure and scalable way of digital transformation of the institution.

Conheça as vantagens da assinatura eletrônica para empresas brasileiras

Main Features

In order to reflect the same legal value as a handwritten signature, an online electronic signature must meet the following conditions:

  • The signer must have an associated identity;
  • The intention to sign is also another important question;
  • Integrity is important, so the document to be signed must be original, unalterable and uneditable;
  • Another important point is whether the signature system is auditable, whether it provides important information for future verification;

Anyway, there are other features that can be added and provide even more security, but this should be the basics.

Are electronic signatures legal everywhere?

The answer is that it depends on where you are doing business.

In 27 countries – including Brazil, China, the United States, Russia, Australia, Canada, and European Union countries – the electronic signature is legally binding. Besides believing in the security of electronic signatures, it is essential that you research the laws and the weight of digital or electronic signatures in the country you are in.

If you live in a country that has not yet passed legislation, you can of course fall into a gray area of the law and your electronic signature will be accepted in many if not most contracts, however, it may not be legally binding in court.

So, which electronic documents are really valid?

In short, any electronic version should be considered equal to its equivalent version, ensuring that it meets the functional characteristics of the formal requirements of the applicable law.

Only in specific situations should an explicit paper document be used, for example to buy real estate in most countries you will need to go to a notary or legal representative for an action.

Fortunately, in most personal or business situations, the format of the document is the individual’s choice, even to the extent of a contract written on a napkin, if desired!

Examples of electronic signatures:

Basically there are different types of documents to be signed electronically:

  • Internal Authorizations,
  • E-mails,
  • Commercial contracts,
  • Contracts with suppliers,
  • NDA;
  • Internal memos,
  • HR Processes,
  • Purchase orders.

In short, all processes, forms, contracts that need a signature can use the electronic signature, as long as they do not have legislation mandating the use of handwritten signatures. Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the type of document to be signed has specific legislation for the case. So always consult the legal department.

In addition, there are different file formats for signed documents, including:

  • Word format,
  • PDF,
  • XML,
  • Image formats, like JPG or PNG for example.

The most common file format is PDF, because it is easy to view and there is already a culture of it being a format that does not change. So you can have a prior negotiation of what is going to be signed, and then when everyone is in agreement, the PDF is generated with the content to be signed.

The electronic signature is already a reality

In a survey done by EVAL at CIAB 2019, 92% of decision makers said they use electronic signatures. No wonder that most of today’s transactions can already be signed electronically.

Think of the plethora of online documents formed with the click of an “I Accept” button, or with a name typed at the end of a reply e-mail, or authenticating the user, as well as obtaining a behavioral electronic signature, or even a digital signature.

The latter, the ICP-Brasil digital signature, is always compared to the notary-authenticated handwritten signature, so if you have documents that require notary authentication this may be the recommended electronic signature model. But remember, always consult the legal department to know the best electronic signature model to be used for each business of your institution.

About Eval

A EVAL está a mais de 18 anos desenvolvendo projetos nos segmentos financeiro, saúde, educação e indústria, Desde 2004, oferecemos soluções de Autenticação, Assinatura Eletrônica e Digital e Proteção de Dados. Atualmente, estamos presente nos principais bancos brasileiros, instituições de saúde, escolas e universidades, além de diferentes indústrias.

Com valor reconhecido pelo mercado, as soluções e serviços da EVAL atendem aos mais altos padrões regulatórios das organizações públicas e privadas, tais como o SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, e a LGPD. Na prática, promovemos a segurança da informação e o compliance, o aumento da eficiência operacional das empresas, além da redução de custos.

Inove agora, lidere sempre: conheça as soluções e serviços da Eval e leve sua empresa para o próximo nível.

Eval, segurança é valor.