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Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Benefits and Solutions

According to Global Markets Insights Inc., healthcare cloud computing will be worth $55 billion by 2025.

Considering scalability and storage as age-old expectations, today’s healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to cloud technology for its impressive features such as collaboration, accessibility, efficiency and security, to name a few.

In fact, the benefits of cloud computing in healthcare have increased, as it is aligned with the segment’s compliance rules, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), in addition to providing personalized and remote patient care.

Basically, Cloud Computing is an on-demand delivery of computing resources, such as data storage, servers, databases, network resources, applications, over the Internet by a service provider.

This means that instead of having to invest in the on-site equipment, train special personnel and then deal with maintenance, organizations leave it to cloud providers to take care of it.

Cloud computing in healthcare seen as driving digital transformation

What makes the cloud especially attractive today is its security. Compared to on-premise infrastructure, the cloud is considered a more secure option.

According to a report by McAfee, 52% of organizations have better security in the cloud than in on-premises IT environments. While Gartner predicts that in the event of a security problem, 95% of them will be the fault of the customer. This also makes it the safest choice.

With all that the cloud has to offer, it’s no surprise that it’s at the forefront of digital transformation. And the global Covid pandemic has further accelerated customer demand for cloud computing services.

By the end of 2019, many tech experts were already betting on the cloud to lead tech trends in the year ahead. But no one could have predicted back then how impactful this would become in 2020.

As in many other market segments, the application of cloud computing in healthcare is driving positive change in a number of ways.

Whether to reduce costs and be able to focus on mission-critical activities by opting for off-site infrastructure or to take advantage of highly flexible and customizable services by leveraging storage and Cloud Computing capabilities.

The application of cloud computing can help optimize hospitals and other healthcare institutions by improving the coordination of patient care. But this is just one of the many benefits of integrating cloud services in the healthcare sector.

1. Cloud collaboration

Sharing facilitates collaboration. With cloud computing, the process of sharing data has become much easier and simpler.

As health information must remain confidential, with the cloud, data can be shared securely between all relevant health stakeholders such as doctors, nurses and caregivers, also in real time.

In addition to sharing, they can also remotely access reports and medical records anytime, anywhere.

Cloud Computing has also facilitated remote care, quick updates on health developments and patients’ conditions, which makes it a perfect companion for healthcare professionals.

2. Security and data protection with cloud computing

Health data needs to remain confidential. The abundant information held by this domain makes it a prime point of attraction for cybercriminals, resulting in security and data breaches.

Cloud infrastructure ensures security as it has specific security tools that can inform you about suspicious attempts.

Also, because the cloud acts as a data repository, cloud service providers are extremely cautious about complying with privacy standards like HIPAA and LGPD.

These service providers resort to different protection mechanisms such as firewall, encryption, etc. which makes it the most secure and reliable option for health data related needs.

3. Cost

The cloud can hold a huge amount of information at minimal cost. Cloud computing works on pay-as-you-go and subscription model, which indicates that you only have to pay for the services you are using.

By shifting IT budgets from Capex to Opex, cloud technology can greatly reduce internal infrastructure and other operational costs. Ultimately, it makes it even possible for smaller hospitals on a tight budget to adopt a cloud-based model.

4. Speed

Speed is an important criterion before making decisions on the selection of any technology. Cloud-based tools can update and upgrade your resources at a commendable pace with minimal intervention, and you can also get real-time updates of all relevant information.

The benefits of cloud computing in healthcare include unparalleled speed and faster access to information, which can overcome the obstacles that industry stakeholders and patients are encountering. Cloud technology has also changed the scope of clinical research, making it easier to manage clinical trials and share knowledge.

5. Scalability and Flexibility

Healthcare organizations operate in a dynamic environment. The cloud facilitates technologies used in healthcare, such as electronic medical records, mobile apps, patient portals, IoT-enabled devices, big data analytics. It provides uncomplicated scalability and flexibility, which in turn improves the final decision-making process.

Along with 24/7 availability, healthcare providers need to dramatically scale data storage and network requirements in line with service demands.

Cloud technology can increase or decrease these storage requirements as needed by healthcare professionals.

Cloud computing still has a long way to go in the healthcare sector. Their combination with innovative technologies such as big data analytics, artificial intelligence and the internet of medical things improves efficiency and opens up several avenues to simplify the delivery of healthcare services.

It increases resource availability, interoperability and reduces costs. With so many benefits there is no reason not to go down the Cloud Computing route.

About Eval

With a track record of leadership and innovation dating back to 2004, Eval not only keeps up with technological trends, but we are also in an incessant quest to bring news by offering solutions and services that make a difference to people’s lives.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Data Protection

Cybersecurity Challenges – Reality-Changing Technologies

The area of cybersecurity is facing ever greater challenges. With criminal organizations increasing the sophistication and diversity of their attacks, institutions need to have the tools to protect themselves, such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and other innovations.

Fortunately, evolution is not one-sided.

Governments, users and information security professionals are paying close attention to the issue, seeking better solutions to cybersecurity challenges and finding good prospects.

In this article, for example, we’ve listed 5 technologies that are changing the cybersecurity landscape. Not all of them are new, but they have been used in innovative ways to tackle cybercrime.

1. Blockchain for cybersecurity challenges

Known for being the technology behind bitcoin blockchain has been seen as providing many opportunities. In the field of cybersecurity, it is still in its early stages.

But it should soon be responsible for many new developments in the sector.

Since it records all activity permanently and transparently for the entire network, the blockchain makes it possible to see when a new user tries to access files they’ve never accessed before, for example.

This can make it easier to spot anomalies, as they will be recorded in the chain’s information blocks.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

Because of its high processing capacity, artificial intelligence has been a great ally in the search to break patterns in networks.

The speed with which they can scan the system is infinitely greater than human capacity, which helps to detect unknown events and stop them from continuing before they escalate.

This is a technology that is set to grow enormously, especially with the possibility of machines continually expanding their learning, depending less on human input.

3. Machine Learning and the development of cybersecurity

Machine learning promises to be the missing icing on the artificial intelligence cake.

With their ability to learn no longer dependent on a person, machines can quickly learn new patterns and more intuitively identify malicious changes in the network.

Although it has been in the spotlight for some time now, the concept of machine learning is nothing new. However, it is only today that it finds the technological possibilities to develop more fully and create new possibilities for various areas.

And, of course, that includes cybersecurity.


4. Cloud Computing and the Challenges of Cybersecurity

In addition to saving on investment and offering more options when it comes to scalability, cloud computing also offers more security than physical data centers.

Of course, you have to remember that at the end of the day your data will be somewhere in the world, stored in a physical space.

However, because it is a dedicated location, it will have a higher security structure than your organization can probably offer.

In addition, cloud services offer plans with automatic backups and monitor network security at all times. Even remediation, if necessary, is much quicker in the cloud.

5. Cryptography applied to cybersecurity

What if, even with all the precautions, your organization has a data leak?

In this case, encryption offers a last, important barrier of protection. Without the cryptographic key, your information remains unreadable.

This technology has changed the financial market in particular. Some examples of their use are tokens and the encryption of credit card data in online purchases. Today, even instant messaging and social networks rely on this technology.

You already know about the technologies that are changing the cybersecurity landscape, but you don’t know where to start?

When it comes to data security, the more solutions you use, the better. In fact, the various technologies guarantee more layers of protection and make the network more robust.

But if you still need to draw up an information security plan for your company from scratch, here’s where to start your strategy.

About Eval

EVAL has been developing projects in the financial, health, education and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature and Data Protection solutions. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Data Protection

Cloud Computing Security: Tips for a Secure Environment

Transferring your business information to the cloud can be a great option. In addition to optimizing investments, your production can become much faster. That’s why it’s so important to invest in Cloud Computing security

But many companies still have major reservations. Is it safe to migrate your data center to the cloud?

Especially at a time when major cybersecurity attacks are in the spotlight, you really need to be very careful. But by following these suggestions, you can be much more confident of making this change without running so many risks.

If you are in doubt or simply want new ideas on how to increase the protection of your data, here are 4 ways to ensure security in Cloud Computing.

1. Access Control is the First Step to Ensuring Cloud Computing Security

Being able to access your company’s data and files from anywhere is one of the advantages of cloud computing. An internet connection is all it takes.

Likewise, today all employees can be connected to various documents at any time, even from their mobile devices. Sometimes even personal devices.

With such easy access by so many people, it is necessary to create good control methods to increase cloud security

As well as knowing exactly who is allowed to see what, you also need to know that all the devices used are properly secured.

Still on the subject of ensuring security in Cloud Computing, don’t forget the importance of creating strong passwords that are different for each user and that are changed from time to time.

Also, always keep an eye on the turnover of your business. Delete users who are no longer part of the company as soon as they leave the organization.

2. Invest in Raising User Awareness of Cloud Computing Security

As mentioned in the previous topic, many employees may have access to your data. That’s why it’s extremely important that everyone knows how important it is to keep them protected.

The best way to make sure everyone is on the same page regarding cloud protection is to invest in information

This can be done through workshops with best practice tips on Cloud Computing security, reminding them of the importance of not opening suspicious links and even courses on information security.

Small practices such as locking machines when you leave your desk and always keeping an eye on antivirus updates can make a big difference.

3. A Cloud Computing Security Is Also Made with Backup

It’s important to remember that you can’t be too careful when it comes to data, whether it’s in the cloud or not. That’s why it’s important to always have a second, or even third, backup of your information.

This backup can also be in the cloud environment, but on a server other than the main one already in use. And, of course, it can also be physical. As long as you can guarantee the security and constant updating of this copy.

This way, in the event of a problem, you can quickly recover your data. This will save you a lot of headaches, lost productivity and losses.

4. Use Encryption to Ensure Protection and Privacy

Data in the cloud can only be accessed by people who have a password to access it. But even with all the safety precautions, leaks can still happen.

That’s why it’s so important to use encryption. So even if someone manages to get to your information, they won’t be able to decipher it unless they have the key.

Now that you know how to ensure cloud protection, are you ready to migrate?

These are some effective ways to improve the security of your data if you decide, or have already decided, to use cloud computing in your business.

But if you’re still in doubt, it’s best to find out more and make sure that this is the best solution for your organization. To get started, we recommend reading our post on the 4 reasons to invest in cloud computing.

This way, when (and if) you decide to move your data to the cloud, it will be even more secure.

About Eval

Eval has been developing projects in the financial, health, education, and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered solutions for Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature, and Data Protection. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.

Data Protection

Cloud Computing: curiosities you still need to know

Talking about cloud computing is nothing new, after all cloud adoption is growing rapidly and new services emerge daily. Faced with the advantages of using this technology, IT professionals and regular users alike have chosen this alternative. In this way cloud computing has become so popular that the subject has become commonplace and the practice is part of everyone’s routine.

But do we know everything about cloud computing? Here are some things you need to know about cloud computing in order to help your organization reap the benefits of this technology. And if you are a regular user, also keep an eye out, thus making your digital day-to-day more informed and secure.

You cannot guarantee where your data is stored

Although you can choose the company that stores your data, you have no guarantee where your data will be hosted. An especially problematic situation is if the company has any data protection requirements. This does not reduce the security of the service, it just makes you aware of the cloud conditions.

In the coming years, cloud services will generate more profits

By 2020, cloud computing is expected to be worth more than $270 billion annually. This is larger than the current GDP of countries like Chile, Portugal, Finland and many others. By 2022, Amazon alone will account for $43 billion in revenue.

Yes, cloud offers more security

In a survey conducted by Microsoft, 62% of users pointed to significant improvements in data security. This type of computing relies on various high-security encryption software to prevent virus contamination, intrusions, or information theft. Furthermore, 94% of the managers surveyed pointed to security as the main reason for investing in cloud. This is due to several factors, among which we highlight:

  1. Highly qualified professionals who take care of the infrastructure.
  2. Infrastructure already designed with security concepts.
Cloud Computing: curiosities you still need to know

80% of companies that adopt cloud see improvements within their IT departments within six months

These improvements were generally in aspects related to efficiency, quality, and safety. In addition, moving to the cloud has helped these companies save money and reduce costs. This decision also brought another benefit, which is to use the team more efficiently. After adopting the cloud, more than 90 percent of IT decision makers saw marked improvements in at least one area of the IT department.

Cloud computing can have different functions for different businesses and interests. So the big point about cloud computing is that the services can help companies be more responsive to market conditions, as well as reduce or optimize IT costs.

About Eval

EVAL has been developing projects in the financial, health, education and industry segments for over 18 years. Since 2004, we have offered Authentication, Electronic and Digital Signature and Data Protection solutions. Currently, we are present in the main Brazilian banks, health institutions, schools and universities, and different industries.

With value recognized by the market, EVAL’s solutions and services meet the highest regulatory standards of public and private organizations, such as SBIS, ITI, PCI DSS, and LGPD. In practice, we promote information security and compliance, increase companies’ operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Innovate now, lead always: get to know Eval’s solutions and services and take your company to the next level.

Eval, safety is value.